Host a stunning browser-based multiplayer RPG (Role-Playing Game) for the first time ever on WordPress.
RPG is a browser-based multi-player strategy role-playing game.
The main goal is to expand your empire and complete research activities in order to uncover the history of your species.
You can form cities, attack and spy on other players and robots, send resources between cities, complete research activities and use premium modifiers to boost your gameplay.
Create your own platformer mini-games and play games created by others to earn rewards.
We strongly believe in the right to be forgotten so when you're done testing the game just click on the "Delete Account" button from the game settings.
A free Desktop Client is available on Steam and GitHub.
You can play this game by yourself or against robots or other players.
Robots can perform the following tasks:
- Create buildings according to the Building Advisor
- Assign workers to buildings
- Randomly upgrade existing buildings
- Perform research activities
Robots can also perform military activities:
- Queue military units and ships
- Estimate the best time for attack
- Systematically attack other players
Each player is free to choose their own language. System messages are translated just-in-time, meaning users can switch their language at any time and the inbox gets translated as well. Game language settings are separate from your WordPress language options.
You can enable RPG on your entire network and run different games on each sub-site, similar to the concept of "realms".
Design your own platformer mini-levels and play games created by others to earn gems!
The game can be played on any mobile device in landscape mode and on the desktop. It functions as a progressive web application, handling offline mode and file requests in a way that mimics truly native applications.
All game resource and queue changes, convoy updates and robot actions are computed on-demand with time-lapse procedures that are optimized for speed and memory usage. Database interactions are optimized with minimal and fast select queries and multi-insert and multi-update queries in order provide a seamless real-time experience for all players. Optional performance optimizations are available in the Game Mechanics.
Using progressive web apps, game assets are automatically stored in the browser cache storage via service workers. This results in 2ms fetch times and no requests made to your server, minimizing band width and drastically improving player experience. Image sprites are used to reduce the number of requests to your server further and all PNG files have been compressed with pngquant.
You can promote players to the rank of game master, allowing them to moderate platformer games, access the Admin Console and more. Game admins (WordPress site super-admins) cannot be demoted and implicitly have game master abilities.
As a game master, you have complete control over your game. Just press Alt+Ctrl+C to toggle the console and type help to list all available commands. You can add resources to players, change building levels, fast-forward the game and more.
Get a birds-eye view of your game community in the Game Dashboard. You can also send announcements to your players; MarkDown syntax is enabled.
You can enable microtransactions using PayPal and start monetizing your game.
Plugins uploaded to are limited to 10MB in size so audio files and many other assets had to be packaged with the PRO plugin. Control the game music and ambiance and enjoy immersive stereo playback.
The Game Mechanics is a comprehensive options panel that allows you to customize every aspect of the game from game labels - with internationalization support - to game objects. Every option and feature is documented in English only.
You can modify the design of your game to your heart's content directly from your browser. Themes are meant to be portable, i.e. you can export your game design and game mechanics changes as your very own themes in the form of Zip archives. All themes are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0
Just follow the short tutorial and the advice of the Upgrade Advisor. The Codex is also available to learn more about how the game works (Settings > Codex). You can also click on the question mark (?) symbols to learn more.
You can use either the [rpg] shortcode or the Role-playing game Gutenberg block anywhere you want. Unauthenticated players will be greeted with a login page.