LocRep official website (http://locrep.com/)
LocRep test website (http://dev.locrep.com/)
LocRep test Agile and DevOps WebSite (https://dev.azure.com/LocRep/)
SmartyPants converts ASCII punctuation characters into "smart" typographic punctuation HTML entities. For example:
Scope | Status | |
* | maven |
Coding |
* | nuget |
* | npm |
Vecihi Hurkus -x Cahit Arf:Pack-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Note right of Cahit Arf: Release Stage
Vecihi Hurkus-->Cahit Arf: Dev Stage.
Locrep -x Nichola Tesla : Pack-1.0.1.jar
And this will produce a flow chart:
graph LR
A[Locrep Virtual Repo Node 1] -- maven,npm,etc... --> B((Remote Repositories))
Clients--> F5
F5 --> A
A --> C(Local Repositories)
B --> D{Proxy Server}
C --> D