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Nextvi(1)                   General Commands Manual                  Nextvi(1)

     Nextvi - A small vi/ex terminal text editor

     vi [-emsv] [file ...]

     Nextvi is a modern clone of the command-line text editor vi(1),
     initially developed by Bill Joy in 1976 for Unix-based systems.
     Nextvi builds upon many standard features from vi(1) including
     unique modal interface that allows users to switch between normal,
     insert, and command modes, for efficient text manipulation.
     Additional enhancements include an unrestricted macro system,
     syntax highlighting, keymaps, bidirectional UTF-8 support, and
     numerous other features. Nextvi remains highly efficient, portable,
     and hackable, ensuring its continued relevance and high quality
     for years to come.

     -e      Enter Ex mode on startup
     -m      Disable initial file read message
     -s      Enter raw Ex mode on startup
     -v      Enter visual mode on startup (Default)

     <x>     A closure where x represents character literal
     [x]     A closure where x represents optional argument
     {x}     A closure where x represents required argument
     "x"     A closure where x represents a string
     <^X>    Represents a ctrl key X
     #       Represents a positive number in a closure
     *       Represents any character(s) in a closure
     < >     Separates alternatives in a closure
     x-y     Range from x to y

     [#]j          Move # lines down
     [#]k          Move # lines up
                   Move # lines down, cursor after indent
     [#]-          Move # lines up, cursor after indent
     [#]h          Move # cols left
     [#]l          Move # cols right
     f{arg}        Move to arg character found forward
     F{arg}        Move to arg character found backward
     t{arg}        Move until arg character found forward
     T{arg}        Move until arg character found backward
     [#],          Repeat last <f F t T> move backward # times
     [#];          Repeat last <f F t T> move forward # times
     [#]E          Move to end of word # times, skip punctuation
     [#]e          Move to end of word # times
     [#]B          Move to start of word backward # times, skip punctuation
     [#]b          Move to start of word backward # times
     [#]W          Move to start of word forward # times, skip punctuation
     [#]w          Move to start of word forward # times
     vw            Toggle line mode for <E e B b W w>
     [#]{          Move to next <{> section down # times
     [#]}          Move to next <{> section up # times
     [#][          Move to next <Newline> section down # times
     [#]]          Move to next <Newline> section up # times
     ^             Move to start of line after indent
     0             Move to start of line
     $             Move to end of line
     [#]|          Goto # col
     [#]<Space>    Move # characters forward
                   Move # characters backward
     %             Move to closest <] ) }><[ ( {> pair
     {#}%          Move to # percent line number
     '{a-z ` ' [] *}
                   Move to a line mark
     `{a-z ` ' [] *}
                   Move to a line mark with cursor position
     gg            Goto first line in buffer
     [#]G          Move to last line in buffer or # line
     H             Move to highest line on a screen
     L             Move to lowest line on a screen
     M             Move to middle line on a screen
     [#]z.         Center screen at cursor. # is xtop
                   Center screen at top row. # is xtop
     [#]z-         Center screen at bottom row. # is xtop
     [#]<^E>       Scroll down 1 or # lines, retain # and cursor position
     [#]<^Y>       Scroll up 1 or # lines, retain # and cursor position
     [#]<^D>       Scroll down half a screen size. If [#], set scroll to #
     [#]<^U>       Scroll up half a screen size. If [#], set scroll to # lines
     <^B>          Scroll up full screen size
     <^F>          Scroll down full screen size
     #             Show global and relative line numbers
     2#            Toggle show global line numbers permanently
     4#            Toggle show relative line numbers after indent permanently
     8#            Toggle show relative line numbers permanently
     V             Toggle show hidden characters:<Space Tab Newline>
     <^C>          Toggle show line motion numbers for <l h e b E B w W>
     {1-5}<^C>     Switch to line motion number mode #
     <^V>          Loop through line motion number modes
     [#]<^R>       Redo # times
     [#]u          Undo # times
                   Open file path from cursor to end of line
     <^K>          Write current buffer to file. Force write on 2nd attempt
     [#]<^W>{arg}  Unindent arg region # times
     [#]<{arg}     Indent left arg region # times
     [#]>{arg}     Indent right arg region # times
     "{arg}{arg1}  Operate on arg register according to arg1 motion
     R             Print registers and their contents
     [#]&{arg}     Execute arg register macro in non-blocking mode # times
     [#]@{arg}     Execute arg register macro in blocking mode # times
                   Execute a last executed register macro # times
     [#].          Repeat last normal command # times
     [#]v.         Repeat last normal command moving down across # lines
     :             Enter ex prompt
     [#]!{arg}     Enter pipe ex prompt based on region # or arg
     vv            Enter ex prompt with the last line from history buffer b-1
     [#]vr         Enter %s/ ex prompt. Insert # words from cursor
     [#]vt[#arg]   Enter .,.+0s/ ex prompt. Insert # of lines from cursor.
                   Insert #arg words from cursor
     [#]v/         Enter v/ xkwd ex prompt to set search keyword. Insert #
                   words from cursor
     v;            Enter ! ex prompt
     [#]vi         Enter %s/ ex prompt. Contains regex for changing spaces to
                   tabs. # modifies tab width
     [#]vI         Enter %s/ ex prompt. Contains regex for changing tabs to
                   spaces. # modifies tab width
     vo            Remove trailing white spaces and <\r> line endings
     va            Toggle ai ex option
     <^G>          Print buffer status infos
     1<^G>         Enable permanent status bar row
     2<^G>         Disable permanent status bar row
     ga            Print character info
     1ga           Enable permanent character info bar row
     2ga           Disable permanent character info bar row
     [#]gw         Hard line wrap a line to # col limit. Default: 80
     [#]gq         Hard line wrap a buffer to # col limit. Default: 80
     [#]g~{arg}    Switch character case for arg region # times
     [#]gu{arg}    Switch arg region to lowercase # times
     [#]gU{arg}    Switch arg region to uppercase # times
     [#]~          Switch character case # times forward
     i             Enter insert mode
     I             Enter insert mode at start of line after indent
     A             Enter insert mode at end of line
     a             Enter insert mode 1 character forward
     [#]s          Enter insert mode and delete # characters
     S             Enter insert mode and delete all characters
     o             Enter insert mode and create a new line down
     O             Enter insert mode and create a new line up
     [#]c{arg}     Enter insert mode and delete arg region # times
     C             Enter insert mode and delete from cursor to end of line
     [#]d{arg}     Delete arg region # times
     D             Delete from cursor to end of line
     [#]x          Delete # characters from cursor forward
     [#]X          Delete # characters from cursor backward
     di{arg}       Delete inside arg pairs <( ) ">
     ci{arg}       Change inside arg pairs <( ) ">
     [#]r{arg}     Replace # characters with arg from cursor forward
     K             Split a line
     {#}K          Split a line without creating blank <Newline>
     [#]J          Join # lines
     vj            Toggle space padding when joining lines
     [#]y{arg}     Yank arg region # times
     [#]Y          Yank # lines
     [#]p          Paste default register # times
     [#]P          Paste default register below current line or behind cursor
                   position # times
     m{a-z ` ' [] *}
                   Set buffer local line mark
     <^T>          Set global line mark 0. Global marks are always valid
     {0 2 4 6 8}<^T>
                   Set a global line mark #
     {1 3 5 7 9}<^T>
                   Switch to a global line mark #
                   Show buffer list and switch based on # or 0-9 index when
                   Swap to previous buffer
     [#]<^N>       Swap to next buffer, # changes direction [forward backward]
     \             Swap to /fm/ buffer b-2
     {#}\          Swap from /fm/ buffer b-2 and backfill directory listing
     vb            Recurse into b-1 history buffer. Insert current line into
                   ex prompt on exit
     z1            Set alternative keymap to Farsi keymap
     z2            Set alternative keymap to Russian keymap
     ze            Switch to English keymap
     zf            Switch to alternative keymap
     zL            Set td ex option to 2
     zl            Set td ex option to 1
     zr            Set td ex option to -1
     zR            Set td ex option to -2
     [#]/          Regex search, move down 1 or # matches
     [#]?          Regex search, move up 1 or # matches
                   Repeat regex search, move [down up] 1 or # matches
     <^A>          Regex search 1 word from cursor, no center, wraparound move
                   [up down]
     {#}<^A>       Regex search, set keyword to # words from cursor
     <^]>          Filesystem search forward based on directory listing in b-2
     {#}<^]>       Filesystem search forward, set keyword to # words from
     <^P>          Filesystem search backward based on directory listing in
     {#}<^P>       Filesystem search backward, set keyword to # words from
     <^Z>          Suspend vi
     <^L>          Force redraw whole screen and update terminal dimensions
     qq            Exit and clean terminal, force quit in an & macro
     zz            Exit and submit history command, force quit in an & macro
     ZZ            Exit and soft write to a file

     Regions are vi normal commands that define [h v]range for vi motions.
     Commands described with the word "move" define a region.

     <+ j ^M Newline - k h l f F t T , ; B E b e W w { } [ ] ^ 0 $ Space ^H
             Backspace % ' ` G H L M / ? n N ^A>

             All regions

     Motions are vi normal commands that run in a [h v]range.
     Commands described with the word "region" consume a region.
     Motions can be prefixed or suffixed by [#].

     <^W < > ! c d y "> g~ gu gU
             All motions

     <">     Special motions that consume a motion

     dd yy cc g~~ guu gUU >> << <^W><^W> !!
             Special motions that can use [#] as number of lines

     3d/int  Delete text until the 3rd instance of "int" keyword
     3dw     Delete 3 words (prefix [#])
     d3w     Delete 3 words (suffix [#])
     "ayl    Yank a character into <a> register
     "Ayw    Append a word to <a> register

                   Delete a character
     <^U>          Delete util <^X> mark or everything
     <^W>          Delete a word
     <^T>          Increase indent
     <^D>          Decrease indent
     <^]>          Select paste register from 0-9 registers in a loop
     <^\>{arg}     Select paste register arg. <^\> selects default register
     <^P>          Paste a register
     <^X>          Mark autocomplete and <^U> starting position. <^X> resets
                   the mark
     <^G>          Index current buffer for autocomplete
     <^Y>          Reset all indexed autocomplete data
     <^R>          Loop through autocomplete options backward
     <^N>          Loop through autocomplete options forward
     <^B>          Print autocomplete options when in vi insert
     <^B>          Recurse into b-1 history buffer when in ex prompt. Insert
                   current line into ex prompt on exit
     <^A>          Loop through lines in a history buffer b-1
     <^Z>          Suspend vi/ex
     <^L>          Redraw screen in vi mode, clean terminal in ex
     <^O>          Switch between vi and ex modes recursively
     <^E>          Switch to english keymap
     <^F>          Switch to alternative keymap
     <^V>{arg}     Read a literal character arg
     <^K>{arg}     Read a digraph sequence arg
                   Exit insert mode

     Ex is a powerful line editor for Unix systems, initially developed
     by Bill Joy in 1976. This essential tool serves as the backbone
     of vi, enabling it to execute commands, macros and even transform
     into a purely command-line interface (CLI) when desired.

     Parsing follows the structure:
     Ex commands are initiated and separated by <:> prefix. Fields
     can be separated by <Space> or <Tab>. There can only be one separator
     in between [cmd] and [args]. To avoid ambiguity, it is recommended
     to always use a separator between [cmd] and [args] in scripts.

             Evaluates to ":e vi.c"
             Evaluates to ":ea bc" not ":e abc"
     :e  vi.c
             Edit " vi.c". [<sep>] is required

     Special characters in [args] will become regular when escaped
     with <\>.

     <( ^ ! = [ ] \>
             Special characters in regex "[]" bracket exp
     <( ) { } + * ? ^ $ [ ] | \< \> . \>
             Special characters in regex
     <# % ! :>
             Special characters in ex

     Characters <# %> in [args] substitute the buffer pathname.
     <%> substitutes current buffer and <#> last swapped buffer.
     It is possible to expand any arbitrary buffer by using <# %>
     followed by the buffer number.

     Example: print the pathname for buffer 69.
     :!echo "%69"

     Every ex command is be able to receive data from external process
     through a special expansion character <!> which pipes the data
     into the command itself. If the closing <!> is not specified,
     the end of the line becomes a terminator.

     Example: Substitute "int" with the value of $RANDOM
     :%s/int/!printf "%s" $RANDOM!
     Example: Insert output of ls shell command
     :& i!ls

     Some ex commands can be prefixed with ranges.

     [. - +][1-9 %][sep][, ;][. - +][1-9 $]
             Numeric ranges
     </ ?>{kwd}[</ ?>]
             Search ranges
             Mark ranges

     .       current position
     ,       vertical range separator
     ;       horizontal range separator
     :1,5p   print lines 1,5
             print 5 lines around xrow
             print first occurrence of int
             print first occurrence of int in reverse
             print until int is found
             print until int is found in reverse
             print lines from mark <d> to mark <a>
     :%p     print all lines in the buffer
     :$p     print last line in the buffer
     :;50    goto character offset 50
     :10;50  goto line 10 character offset 50
             goto line 10 +5 character offset
     :'a;'a  goto line mark <a> offset mark <a>
     :;$     goto end of the line
             search for int on line 5
             search for int in reverse on the current line

             Ranged search (stands for find)

             Example: no range given, current line only
             Example: reverse
             Example: range given
             Subsequent commands within the range will move to the next match
             just like vi n/N commands.

     b[#]    Print currently active buffers state or switch to a buffer

             Example: switch to the 5th buffer

             There are two temporary buffers which are separate from
             the main buffers.
             b-1 = /hist/ ex history buffer
             b-2 = /fm/ directory listing buffer
             Example: switch to the b-1 buffer
             Example: switch to the b-2 buffer

             Set current buffer path
     bs[#]   Set current buffer saved. If any arg given, reset undo/redo

             Print line(s) from the buffer

             Example: utilize character offset ranges
             Example: print current line from offset 5 to 10

     ea[kwd] [#]
             Open file based on filename substring from dir listing in b-2

             Requires directory listing in b-2 backfilled prior.
             Example: backfill b-2 using :fd
             Example: backfill b-2 using find
             :b-2:1,$!find .

             If the substring matches more than one filename, a prompt will
             be shown. Submit using numbers 0-9 (higher ascii values work
             too (<^C> to cancel)). Passing an extra arg to :ea in form of
             a number will bypass the prompt and open the corresponding file.
             Example: open filename containing "v"
             :ea v
             Example: open first match containing "v"
             :ea v 0

     ea![kwd] [#]
             Forced version of ea

             Enter ex {append insert change} mode

             # determines insertion line number.
             str determines initial input into the insertion buffer.

             Example: insert "hello" in vi/ex
             :i hello<^M><ESC>
             Example: discard changes in vi/ex
             :i hello<^C>
             Example: immediately insert "hello"
             :i hello<^V><^M><^V><ESC>
             Example: insert "hello" in raw ex mode
             i hello<^M>.<^M>

             Delete line(s)
             Open a file at a path

             No argument opens "unnamed" buffer.
             Force open a file at a path

             No argument re-reads the current buffer from the filesystem.

             Global command

             Execute an ex command on a range of lines that matches an
             enclosed regex.

             Example: remove all empty lines

             Multiple ex commands can be chained in one global command.
             To chain commands, the ex separator <:> must be escaped once.
             Example: yank matches appending to reg 'a' and print them out.
             :g/int/ya A\:p

             It is possible to nest global commands inside of global commands.
             A global command will not be executed on lines that were created
             or deleted by a nested global command.
             When range not given, a nested global command is executed on
             the current line.

             Example: Nested global command
             Append "has a semicolon" to all lines that contain "int" and
             end with <;>.
             :g/int/g/;$/& A has a semicolon

             Example: extract/print data enclosed in "()"
             :g/\(.+\)/;0;/\(.+\)/\:.;.+1k a\:se grp=2\:;/\)*(\))/\:
             se nogrp\:k s\:.;'a;'sp

             Inverted global command
             Print the current range line number

             Set a line mark

             The character offset is set to the current position.

             Global non-blocking macro

             Execute raw vi/ex input sequence.
             A non-blocking macro shall not wait for input when the end of
             the sequence is reached. A non-blocking macro executing other
             macros will always reach a terminating point.
             Example: execute vi insert statement
             :& ihello
             Example: execute :hello
             :& \:hello<^V><^M>
             Example: execute vi ci(int macro
             :& ci(int
             Example: nest blocking macro inside non-blocking
             :& \:@ \\:blocking<^V><^M>i continue in non-blocking

             Global blocking macro

             Execute raw vi/ex input sequence.
             A blocking macro shall wait for input when the end of the sequence
             is reached. A blocking macro executing other macros may result
             in congestion.
             Example: execute vi insert statement
             :@ ihello
             Example: insert "hello" into <:> vi prompt
             :@ \:hello
             Example: execute vi ci(int macro
             :@ ci(int
             Example: execute ci(int exiting insert mode
             :@ ci(int<^V><^C>
             Example: execute ci)INT as a follow-up
             :@ ci(int<^V><^C>ci)INT
             Example: execute vi dw command after user exits insert

     pu[register] [cmd]
             Paste a register

             To pipe register data to an external process use :pu \![cmd]
             Example: copy default register to X11 clipboard
             :pu \!xclip -selection clipboard

     [range]r[path cmd]
             Read a file or a pipe

             To read data from a pipe use :[range]r \![cmd]
             Example: pipe in only the first line
             :r \!ls
             Example: pipe in only lines 3,5
             :3,5r \!ls
             Example: pipe in all data
             :%r \!ls

     [range]w[path cmd]
             Write to a file or a pipe

             To pipe buffer data to external process use :[range]w \![cmd]
             Example: pipe out all data into less
             :w \!less
             Example: pipe out only first 10 lines
             :1,10w \!less

             Force write to a file

     q       Exit
     q!      Force quit

             Soft write and exit or force quit

     u[# $]  Undo # times or all with $
     rd[# $]
             Redo # times or all with $

             Set ex option variable

             Example: set using implications
             :se hll
             :se nohll
             Example: set using numeric values
             :se hll=1
             :se hll=0
             Example: set using ascii values
             :se hll=a


             Find and replace text in a range of lines that matches an
             enclosed regex with an enclosed replacement string.

             Example: global replacement

             Substitution backreference inserts the text of matched group
             specified by \x where x is group number.

             Example: substitution backreference
             this is an example text for subs and has int or void
             this is an example text for subs and has preintafter or void
             this is an example text for subs and has prepreafterafter or prevoidafter

             Yank a region

             To append to the register, pass in its uppercase version.
             To append to any of the non-alphabetical registers add any extra
             character to the command.
             Example: append to register <1>
             :ya 1x

             Reset register value

             Run external program

             When ex range specified, pipes the buffer data to an external
             process and pipes the output back into current buffer replacing
             the affected range.
             Example: infamously sort the buffer

             Set a filetype

             No argument prints the current file type.
             Reloads the highlight ft, which makes it possible to reset dynamic
             highlights created by options like "hlw".

             Set a keymap

             No argument prints the current keymap name.

             Set an alternative keymap

             Set a secondary directory (stands for file dir)

             Recalculates the directory listing in b-2 buffer.
             No argument implies current directory.

             Set a directory path for :fd (stands for file path)

             Set a working directory (stands for change dir)

             Currently open buffers' file paths will be automatically adjusted
             to reflect a newly set working directory.

             Include regex for :fd calculation

             Example: include only files in submodule directory that end with .c
             :inc submodule.*\.c$
             Example: exclude the .git and submodule folders
             :inc (^[\!.git\!submodule]+[^\/]+$)
             No argument disables the filter.

             Print registers and their contents

             Printing position is determined by xcols / 2 * [hscroll]

     bx[#]   Set max number of buffers allowed

             Buffers will be deallocated if the number specified is lower
             than the number of buffers currently in use.
             No argument will reset to the default value of 10.

             Set autocomplete filter regex

             Example: autocomplete using whole lines from the buffer
             :ac .+
             No argument resets to the default word filter regex as defined
             in led.c.

     uc      Toggle multibyte utf-8 decoding

             This command is particularly useful when editing files with
             mixed encodings, binary files, or when the terminal does not
             support UTF-8 or lacks the necessary fonts to display UTF-8
             characters. It's often paired with :ph command to achieve
             hex editor-like functionality.

     uz      Toggle zero width placeholders

             Use only if you need to hide zero width characters.

     ub      Toggle combining multicodepoint placeholders

             Use only if your terminal can render multicodepoint utf-8 (emojis).

     ph[#clow] [#chigh] [#width] [#blen][*char]
             Redefine placeholders

             This command replaces placeholders defined in conf.c
             and subsequent :ph commands expand the list of placeholders.
             Example: render 8 bit ascii (Extended ASCII) as <~>
             :ph 128 255 1 1~
             Example: flawless ISO/IEC 8859-1 (latin-1) support
             :uc:ph 128 160 1 1~
             Example: render control byte 03 as "^C"
             :ph 3 3 2 1^C
             Example: reset to default as in conf.c
             Example: disable default placeholders in conf.c

     ai=1    Indent new lines
     ic=1    Ignore case in regular expressions

     ish=0   Interactive shell

             Run every <!> command through an interactive shell.
             The shell will source the .rc file before command execution.
             This makes it possible to use predefined functions, aliases
             and ENV variables from the .rc file.
             Precondition 1:
                     The .rc filename is shell specific, such as .bashrc in Bash
                     and .zshrc in Zsh.
             Precondition 2:
                     The environment variable $SHELL determines the default
                     shell, otherwise it defaults to /bin/sh.
             Precondition 3:
                     There must be no stdout output created by .rc file
                     for <!> commands to return expected results.

     grp=0   Regex search group

             Defines a target search group for any regex search operation.
             This becomes necessary when the result of regex search is to
             be based on some group rather than default match group.

             Example: ignore tabs at the start of the line
             :se grp=2:1,$f/^[       ]+(.+):se nogrp

             The value of grp is calculated using (group number * 2).

     hl=1    Highlight text based on rules defined in conf.c
     hlr=0   Highlight text in reverse direction
     hll=0   Highlight current line based on filetype hl
     hlp=0   Highlight "[]" "()" "{}" pairs based on filetype hl
     hlw=0   Highlight current word based on filetype hl
     led=1   Enable all terminal output

     vis=0   Control startup flags

             Example: disable :e message in ex mode
             :se vis=12
             Example: disable :e message in vi mode
             :se vis=8
             Example: enable raw ex mode
             :se vis=6
             Example: disable raw ex mode
             :se vis=4

     mpt=0   Control vi prompts

             When set to 0 after an ex command is called from vi, disables
             the "[any key to continue]" prompt.
             If mpt is negative, the prompt will remain disabled.

             Reorder characters based on rules defined in conf.c
             Perform Arabic script letter shaping
     pac=0   Print autocomplete suggestions on the fly
     tbs=8   Number of spaces used to represent a tab
     td=1    Current text direction context

             This option accepts four meaningful values:
             +2      Exclusively left-to-right
             +1      Follow dircontexts[] (in conf.c), defaulting to left-to-
             -1      Follow dircontexts[], defaulting to right-to-left
             -2      Exclusively right-to-left

     pr=0    Print register

             Set a special register using a character or a number.
             Once the register is set, all data passed into ex_print will
             be stored in the register.
             If the register is uppercase, <Newline> characters are added
             to match the exact output that was printed.
             Example: paste current buffer list exactly like from :b command
             :se pr=A:ya! a🅱️pu a
             Example: store a line printed with :p
             :se pr=A:ya! a:p

     sep=:   Ex separator

             Set Ex command separator character.
             Changing default <:> separator will break some built-in commands/macros.
             Example: set separator to <|>
             :se sep=|
             Example: disable separator
             :se nosep

     EXINIT defines a sequence of vi/ex commands to be performed
     at startup. Consequently, this is the primary way for scripting
     and customizing Nextvi outside of C.
     Many standard text processing utils such as grep, awk, sed
     can be replaced by Nextvi with EXINIT in mind.


     export EXINIT=$'e ./vi.c:& i\x7\x3:bx 1:bx'
             Index vi.c for autocomplete

     export EXINIT='b-1:%r ./vi.c:b-1'
             Load vi.c into a history buffer

     export EXINIT=$'e:& io{\n}\x16\x3kA\x3:& 1G:& 2\"ayy'
             Setup @ macro in register <a>

             @a macro creates <{> and closing <}> below the cursor leaving
             cursor in insert mode in between the braces.

     Nextvi's regex syntax is akin to that of Plan 9.
     Disregard manpage notation for <{ } [ ]> in this section.

     .       match any single char
     ^       assert start of the line
     $       assert end of the line
     {N,M}   match N to M times
     ()      grouping
     (?:)    non capture grouping
     [N-M]   match a set of alternate ranges N to M
     *       repeated zero or more times
     +       repeated one or more times
     |       union, alternative branch
     \<      assert start of the word
     \>      assert end of the word
     ?       one or zero matches greedy
     ??      one or zero matches lazy

     Additionally, Nextvi supports static lookahead expressions.
             find <a> followed by "bc"
             find anything except <a> followed by "bc"
             multiple lookahead alternatives in one bracket exp
             disable lookahead after "^=" specifier and match [123] normally

     *       position of the previous change
     [       first line of the previous change
     ]       last line of the previous change
     '       position of the previous line region
     `       position of the previous line region

     /       previous search keyword
     :       previous ex command
     0       previous value of default register (atomic)
             Atomic means the operation did not include a <Newline>.
     1-9     previous value(s) of default register (nonatomic)

     | 505 vi.h     |  definitions/aux     |
     | 537 kmap.h   |  keymap translation  |
     | 293 conf.c   |  hl/ft/td config     |
     | 341 term.c   |  low level IO        |
     | 380 ren.c    |  positioning/syntax  |
     | 521 lbuf.c   |  file/line buffer    |
     | 650 uc.c     |  UTF-8 support       |
     | 658 regex.c  |  extended RE         |
     | 675 led.c    |  insert mode/output  |
     | 1240 ex.c    |  ex options/commands |
     | 1947 vi.c    |  normal mode/general |
     | 6705 total   |  wc -l *.c|sort      |

     export CC='g++ -x c'
             set compiler, g++ example
     export CFLAGS='-s'
             set CFLAGS, strip example
             build once
     ./ build
     ./ debug
             build with -O0 -g
     ./ pgobuild
             PGO build can lead to a significant performance boost on some
             application specific tasks
     ./ install
             install vi to $DESTDIR$PREFIX/bin
     ./ fetch
             merge commits from upstream repository
     ./ bench
             performance bench test 2000 word deletions on vi.c

     In most text editors, flexibility is a minor or irrelevant design
     goal. Nextvi is designed to be flexible where the editor adapts
     to the user needs. This flexibility is achieved by heavily chaining
     basic commands and allowing them to create new ones with completely
     different functionality. Command reuse keeps the editor small
     without infringing on your freedom to quickly get a good grasp
     on the code. If you want to customize anything, you should be
     able to do it using only core commands or a mix with some specific
     C code for more difficult tasks. Simple and flexible design
     allows for straight forward solutions to any problem long term
     and filters bad inconsistent ideas.

     "All software sucks, but some do more than others."
             - Kyryl Melekhin

     New functionality can be obtained through optional patches provided
     in the patches branch. If you have a meaningful contribution
     and would love to be made public the patch can be submitted
     via email or github pull request.

     Scripts used to generate this manual are located in the manual

     Q: What is pikevm?
     A: Pikevm is a complete rewrite of Nextvi's regex engine for
     the purposes of getting rid of backtracking and severe performance
     and memory constraints. Pikevm guarantees that all regular expressions
     are computed in constant space and O(n+k) time where n is size
     of the string and k is some constant for the complexity of the
     regex i.e. number of state transitions. It is important to understand
     that it does not mean that we run at O(n) linear speed, but
     rather the amount of processing time & memory usage is distributed
     evenly and linearly throughout the string, the k constant plays
     a big role. If you are familiar with radix sort algorithms this
     follows the same idea.
     Q: What are the other benefits?
     A: For example, now it is possible to compute a C comment
     /* x */ where x can be an infinite number of characters. Of course,
     this extends to every other valid regular expression.
     Q: New features pikevm supports?
     A: Additionally, pikevm supports PCRE style non capture group
     (?:) and lazy quantifiers like .*? and .+?? because they were
     easy to implement and allow for further regex profiling/optimization.
     Q: NFA vs DFA (identify)
     A: pikevm = NFA backtrack = DFA
     Q: What's wrong with original implementation?
     A: Nothing except it being slow and limited. My improved version
     of Ali's DFA implementation ran 3.5X faster in any case, however
     I found a bug with it where zero quantifier "?" nested groups
     compute wrong submatch results. To fix this problem, it would
     require to undo a lot of optimization work already done, basically
     going back to how slow Ali's implementation would be. The reason
     this was spotted so late was because this kind of regex wasn't
     used before, so I never tested it. Other than that I think submatch
     extraction is correct on other cases. Pikevm does not have this
     bug, so it will be used as main regex engine from now on, unless
     dfa ever finds a proper fix. Honestly, this change isn't so
     surprising, as I was working on pikevm a few months prior, to
     favor a superior algorithm.

     You can still find that code here (likely with no updates):

     As a downside, NFA simulation loses the DFA property of being
     able to quickly short circuit a match, as everything runs linearly
     and at constant speed, incurring match time overhead. Well optimized
     DFA engine can outperform pikevm, but that is rather rare as
     they got problems of their own. For example as independently
     benchmarked, dfa_dead runs only 13% faster than pikevm and that
     is stretching the limit of what is physically possible on a
     table based matcher. Can't cheat mother nature, and if you dare
     to try she's unforgiving at best.

     Supplementary reading by Russ Cox:

     Original Neatvi repository:

     Posix vi(1)

     Posix ex(1)

     Nextvi was written by Kyryl Melekhin <[email protected]>.  It is based
     on neatvi(1), which was written by Ali Gholami Rudi <[email protected]>.  This
     manual page was inspired by nepeta <[email protected]>

Linux 6.13.2                   February 23, 2025                  Linux 6.13.2


A small vi/ex terminal text editor (neatvi rewrite)







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