This repository contains #TweetFilter, a RESTful API for live streaming of #TwitterFeed and filtering the tweets for any Data Analysis purpose.
- Sign Up for a Twitter Account.
- Create a new Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Access Key and Access Secret in the Developers section.
- An application written in Python 2.7
- Uses Flask which could be installed by running the requirements command(follow the installation steps).
- Set up MongoDB by following the documentation in the respective websites
- (Optional) Set up Postman or any other similar tools to hit the APIs.
- Git Clone or Download the repository.
- Open Terminal inside the TweetFilter folder and run the following command to install the requirements for running the service:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the following command in the terminal to set up the mongo server:
- Open another terminal inside the TweetFilter directory and run the following command to start the service:
Complete documentation and instructions are available at:
The TweetFilter RESTful API is licensed under MIT License. Copyright (c) 2018 TweetFilter.
Krishna Dwypayan Kota