I'm actively looking for:
- like-minded friends
- interesting projects
- business opportunities
Feel free to contact me via e-mail, Discord (konhi#1588) or Twitter. I'm always happy to hear from YOU! 💕
- 🚌 Poland's Public Transport API: serverless, community maintained APIs - Cloudflare Workers (Cloud Functions as a Service), Zod (type validation & safety). GitHub Actions (CI/CD) for instant deployment. Previously used Express (web app framework) on Azure.
- 🎒 School Website Starter: accessible and extremely user-friendly website template for schools in Poland, built on fun and modern stack - uses React, Next.js, Storybook (React Components Management & Testing), Strapi (Headless CMS), and Vercel.
- ▲ React Static Clutch Embed: Say goodbye to iframes! Save +400 KBs (network) & +250 ms (rendering) while embeding Clutch.co widgets.
- 🔌 IoT-based smart energy consumption monitor: (progressive) web app available on desktop and mobile - InfluxDB, Grafana, React, Next.js, MUI, Vercel... and more!
- 📰 School News to Discord: serverless website parser that sends announcements to students - uses GitHub Actions (CI/CD), Discord.js (API), Jest (tests)
I like designing user interfaces! You can check my portfolio on Dribbble!
I'm currently working on @frekwencja - project that tries to help in effective learning new languages by using cool methods, such as flashcards and most common words
- 🃏 Language Learning Flashcards: powerful flashcards in many formats for intelligent language learning!
- 🏆 Most Common Words Multilingual Dataset: 5050 most frequent words in 109 languages. Uses Python and Pandas (data analysis and manipulation).
I use Obsidian as note-taking, journaling, creativity and planning tool. You might find these things useful!
- 📃 Obsidian Community List: updated list of community themes & plugins for obsidian.md! Uses GitHub Actions (CI/CD) and Generates Markdown!
- 📦 Obsidian Repositories Downloader: learn, analyze and inspire from every obsidian.md plugin! Parses
- 🕶️ Awesome Obsidian: Awesome stuff for Obsidian
- 🔮 Obsidian Community: Resource hub for Obsidian resources.
- 🇵🇱 awesome-school-projects-poland: wspaniałe projekty związane ze szkołami!
- 📝 personal-school-assignments: little bit of PHP, HTML, CSS, JS, and SQL I do in my school!