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Build a simple social networking application, similar to Twitter, and expose it through a web API. The application should support the scenarios below.
A user should be able to post a 140 character message.
A user should be able to see a list of the messages they've posted, in reverse chronological order.
A user should be able to follow another user. Following doesn't have to be reciprocal: Alice can follow Bob without Bob having to follow Alice.
A user should be able to see a list of the messages posted by all the people they follow, in reverse chronological order.
- use JAVA
- provide some documentation for the API, so that we know how to use it!
- don't care about registering users: a user is created as soon as they post their first message
- don't care about user authentication
- don't care about frontend, only backend
- don't care about storage: storing everything in memory is fine
Place your code on
Please write your solution provided an easy option to build it and run it on macOS/windows.