Java open source tools to create bill-of-materials files used in Mac OS X installers
This is Java port of
jbomutils are a set of tools to create Mac OS X installer packages on foreign OSes (windows, linux, etc.) with Java. These tools can be used as part of the cross-compilation process. In particular, it includes an open source version of the mkbom tool which is distributed as a closed-source version on Mac OS X Developer Tools.
To create a bom file, follow the following steps.
- Put the installation payload into a directory. We assume the name of the directory is 'base'
- Use mkbom to create the bom file by invoking 'java -jar jbomutils.jar mkbom -u 0 -g 80 base Bom'
You can create BOM files from Ant using task mkbom:
<taskdef name="mkbom" classname="com.jpexs.jbomutils.ant.MkBomTask" classpath="somelibdir/jbomutils.jar" />
<mkbom destfile="${basedir}/Bom">
<!-- Add some files -->
<tarfileset dir="${basedir}/base" prefix="data/">
<include name="**/*.jpg"/>
<tarfileset dir="${basedir}/src" prefix="source/">
<include name="**/*.java"/>
For full documentation of original tool, it is best to follow the tutorial at
Joseph Coffland, Julian Devlin, Baron Roberts, Fabian Renn for making original bomutils.