Tencent Kona JDK11 is a no-cost, production-ready distribution of the Open Java Development Kit (OpenJDK), Long-Term Support(LTS) with quarterly updates. Tencent Kona JDK11 is certified as compatib…
Amazon Corretto 8 is a no-cost, multi-platform, production-ready distribution of OpenJDK 8
PMM dashboards for database monitoring
A curated list of awesome MySQL software, libraries, tools and resources
🦄后羿 - TenSunS(原ConsulManager):基于Consul的运维平台:更优雅的Consul管理UI&多云与自建ECS/MySQL/Redis同步Prometheus/JumpServer&ECS/MySQL/Redis云监控指标采集&Blackbox站点监控维护&漏洞通知/资源到期余额告警&各类资源Grafana看板展示
Proxy to allow Prometheus to scrape through NAT etc.
Observability of Kubernetes applications with Elastic stack
🛠「Watt Toolkit」是一个开源跨平台的多功能 Steam 工具箱。
Community-maintained Ansible Galaxy Collections. [maintainers=@piyoki,@kunish]
Zadig is a cloud native, distributed, developer-oriented DevOps platform
Yao is an all-in-one application engine that enables developers to create web apps, REST APIs, enterprise apps, and more, with AI as a seamless collaborator.
Linux/BSD kernel tuning and network security hardening optimizations, improving the performance of server systems via optimized sysctl tweaks
Platform for analytics and monitoring
Open Source HTTP Reverse Proxy Cache and Time Series Dashboard Accelerator
Install Prometheus pushgateway service
Provision mysqld exporter for prometheus monitoring tool
Deploy Prometheus Alertmanager service
Molecule aids in the development and testing of Ansible content: collections, playbooks and roles
Provision basic metrics exporter for prometheus monitoring tool
Ansible role for deploying Prometheus node exporter
Takin is an Java-based, open-source system designed to measure online environmental performance test for full-links, Especially for microservices. Through Takin, middlewares and applications can id…