A tender management System is a Java project where peoples find tenders and bids for them and companies or admins release tenders for vendors. In this, an admin can signup and sign in for releasing any tender. Admin has some different operations like adding, deleting assigning, or viewing who made a bid against the tender. Similarly, vendors/clients have some different operations like viewing all tenders and bidding against them, and searching their bidding history. also can see if they are assigned to anyone or not.
- Register if new user
- Sign in if exist user
- Adding new tenders to portal
- Deleteing any tenders
- viewing all Vendors
- Assigning tenders to any Vendors
- viewing all bids against any tenders
- Register if new user
- Sign in if exist user
- Viewing all tenders available
- Making bids against tenders
- checking assigned or not
- checking all bids history of own
- copy this link https://github.com/jagatjit15/abandoned-transport-7963.git
- go to your editor terminal do git cline and then paste link
- Project will be cloned to your Local Storage
- Opean MySQL create a DATABASE and four table as admin, clients, tenders, tender_bids, assigned
- open utility package in project folder you copied and change database name and your password
- name all the columns name as according to the projects you can find column names in bellow screenshorts
- Now you can run localy in your editor console.