This plugins allows you to add manage CMS pages using the Rich Editor.
If you want to know more about our editor, see the Rich Editor Repository
composer require monsieurbiz/sylius-cms-page-plugin
Change your config/bundles.php
file to add the line for the plugin :
return [
MonsieurBiz\SyliusCmsPagePlugin\MonsieurBizSyliusCmsPagePlugin::class => ['all' => true],
Then create the config file in config/packages/monsieurbiz_sylius_cms_page_plugin.yaml
- { resource: "@MonsieurBizSyliusCmsPagePlugin/Resources/config/config.yaml" }
Finally import the routes in config/routes/monsieurbiz_sylius_cms_page_plugin.yaml
resource: "@MonsieurBizSyliusCmsPagePlugin/Resources/config/routing/admin.yaml"
prefix: /%sylius_admin.path_name%
resource: "@MonsieurBizSyliusCmsPagePlugin/Resources/config/routing/shop.yaml"
prefix: /{_locale}
Make a doctrine migration diff :
bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff
Then run it :
bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
You can customize and create custom elements in your page.
In order to do that, you can check the Rich Editor custom element creation
You can define for every page the meta title, meta description and meta keywords.
You can open an issue or a Pull Request if you want! 😘
Thank you!