基于 cowboy(Small, fast, modern HTTP server for Erlang/OTP) 的即时聊天后端服务,使用 "阿里云8核16G ecs.sn1ne.2xlarge主机(100万PPS)"压测,保持100万+TCP,90分钟以上,详细测试件测试文档
因为我是中国人,所以选择了木兰宽松许可证, 第2版
力求基于“语义化版本控制的规范”(语义化版本 2.0.0)实施版本管理.
Strive to implement version management based on "Specification for Semantic version Control"(Semantic Versioning 2.0.0).
数据结构(./doc/postgresql/)开发中有变动,以第一个发布版为准;目前改成基于 PostgreSQL15 开发
There are changes in the data structure (./doc/postgresql/vsn0.1) under development. It is currently based on PostgreSQL15
Erlang/OTP 24 (Cowboy 2.11 requires Erlang/OTP 24.0 or greater.)
Erlang/OTP 25
Erlang/OTP 26
数据库 PostgreSQL15
erl -name debug -setcookie imboy
net_adm:ping('[email protected]').
net_kernel:connect_node('[email protected]').
erl -name [email protected]
auth:set_cookie('imboy'),net_adm:ping('[email protected]').
按 Ctrl+G 出现user switch command
r '[email protected]'
在按 J 机器显示节点:
--> j
1 {shell,start,[init]}
2* {'[email protected]',shell,start,[]}
在 * 的就是默认的可连接节点,其中的1 行,就是你现在的master节点
按 c 就能连接
你如果要连接到第三节点的话,直接 输入 c 6 回车就行了。
curl -L https://github.com/sile/erldash/releases/download/0.1.1/erldash-0.1.1.x86_64-unknown-linux-musl -o erldash
chmod +x erldash
./erldash [email protected] -c imboy
make new t=cowboy.middleware n=demo_middleware
make new t=cowboy.middleware n=verify_middleware
make new t=gen_server n=account_server
make distclean
// 我添加的模板 以imboy开头
make new t=imboy.rest_handler n=demo_handler
make new t=imboy.logic n=demo_logic
make new t=imboy.repository n=demo_repo
make new t=imboy.ds n=demo_ds
make list-templates
make new-lib in=imlib
make new-lib in=imcron
make new-lib in=imds
make new t=imboy.logic n=demo_cron_logic in=imcron
make new t=imboy.rest_handler n=adm_passport_handler in=imadm
make new-lib in=imapi
make new-app in=imsos
make run
// on Mac
IMBOYENV=prod make run
IMBOYENV=test make run
IMBOYENV=dev make run
IMBOYENV=local make run
make rel IMBOYENV=local
// on CentOS8 OR macOS
export IMBOYENV='local' && make run
make new t=gen_server n=server_demo
// 重新加载 sys.config 配置
Routes = imboy_router:get_routes(),
Dispatch = cowboy_router:compile(Routes),
cowboy:set_env(imboy_listener, dispatch, Dispatch).
make dialyze
// 小心!这将构建该文件,即使它之前已经存在。
make rebar.config
make rel
make help
rel Build a release for this project, if applicable
erl> help().
lm() -- load all modified modules
// 更新 erlang.mk
make erlang-mk
make new-app in=webchat
make dialyze
get from https://github.com/sile/efmt/releases
curl -L https://github.com/sile/efmt/releases/download/${VERSION}/efmt-${VERSION}.x86_64-unknown-linux-musl -o efmt
chmod +x efmt
./efmt -c src/websocket_logic.erl
./efmt -w src/websocket_logic.erl
IMBOYENV=prod make rel
IMBOYENV=test make rel
IMBOYENV=dev make rel -j8
IMBOYENV=local make rel
% 生成自解压存档
% 自解压脚本目前仅支持以console模式启动发布
IMBOYENV=local make SFX=1
% run
复制代码到特定的目录 (Copy code to a specific directory)
cp ./_rel/imboy/imboy-1.0.0.tar.gz
// or
scp ./_rel/imboy/imboy-1.0.0.tar.gz [email protected]:/usr/local/imboy/
去启动服务 (To start the service)
mkdir -p /usr/local/imboy
cp ./_rel/imboy/imboy-1.0.0.tar.gz /usr/local/imboy/
cd /usr/local/imboy
tar -xzf imboy-1.0.0.tar.gz
bin/imboy console
bin/imboy start
bin/imboy restart
bin/imboy stop
link https://erlang.mk/guide/relx.html
IMBOYENV=prod make relup
For the purpose of this section, assume the initial release version was 1, and the new version is 2. The name of the release will be example.
Once all this is done, you can build the tarball for the release upgrade:
$ make relup
This will create an archive at the root directory of the release, $RELX_OUTPUT_DIR/example/example-2.tar.gz.
Move the archive to the correct location on the running node. From the release’s root directory:
$ mkdir releases/2/
$ mv path/to/example-2.tar.gz releases/2/
Finally, upgrade the release:
make clean
git checkout afb81f8 && make clean && IMBOYENV=local make rel
git checkout -f dev
vim relxlocal.config
IMBOYENV=local make rel
make clean
IMBOYENV=local make relup
vsn=0.2.11 ./appup.sh
./bin/imboy pid
./bin/imboy versions
Installed versions:
* 0.2.6 permanent
* 0.2.5 old
Your release was upgraded!
/usr/local/imboy/bin/imboy downgrade 0.2.7
IMBOYENV=local make relup
/usr/local/imboy/bin/imboy uninstall 0.2.8
vsn=0.2.8 ./appup.sh
make erlang-mk
Appup Cookbook https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/section/1122611
[{"0.2\\.[0-9]+", [{restart_application, imboy_app}
[{"0.1\\.[0-9]+", [{restart_application, imboy_app}
Routes = imboy_router:get_routes(),
Dispatch = cowboy_router:compile(Routes),
cowboy:set_env(imboy_listener, dispatch, Dispatch).
io:format("pn", [token_ds:encrypt_token(4)]).
([email protected])10> hashids_translator:uid_encode(4).
([email protected])11> hashids_translator:uid_encode(1).
gen_smtp_client:send({"[email protected]", ["[email protected]"], "Subject: testing"},
[{relay, "smtp.gmail.com"}, {ssl, true}, {username, "[email protected]"},
{password, "senderpassword"}]).
telnet 34780
cp /data/docker/eturnal/eturnal.yml /etc/
eturnalctl daemon
cd /www/wwwroot/eturnal/
_build/product/rel/eturnal/bin/eturnal console
_build/product/rel/eturnal/bin/eturnal daemon
/www/wwwroot/eturnal/_build/product/rel/eturnal/bin/eturnal daemon
tail -f /www/wwwroot/eturnal/_build/product/rel/eturnal/log/eturnal.log
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up docker-compose -f docker-compose-pro.yml up
rm -rf /Users/leeyi/workspace/imboy/imboy/_rel/imboy/lib/wx-2.2.2/priv/wxe_driver.so && ln -s /opt/homebrew/Cellar/erlang@25/ /Users/leeyi/workspace/imboy/imboy/_rel/imboy/lib/wx-2.2.2/priv/wxe_driver.so