Maccy is a lightweight clipboard manager for macOS. It keeps the history of what you copy and lets you quickly navigate, search, and use previous clipboard contents.
- Lightweight and fast
- Keyboard-first
- Secure and private
- Native UI
- Open source and free
Download the latest version from the releases page, or use Homebrew:
brew cask install maccy
- COMMAND (⌘) + SHIFT (⇧) + C to popup Maccy or click on its icon in the menu bar.
- Type what you want to find.
- To select the history item you wish to copy, press ENTER, or click the item, or use COMMAND (⌘) +
shortcut. - To choose the history item and paste, press OPTION (⌥) + ENTER, or OPTION (⌥) + CLICK the item, or use OPTION (⌥) +
shortcut. - To delete the history item, press OPTION (⌥) + DELETE (⌫).
- To see the full text of the history item, wait a couple of seconds for tooltip.
- To pin the history item so that it remains on top of the list, press OPTION (⌥) + P. The item will be moved to the top with a random but permanent keyboard shortcut. To unpin it, press OPTION (⌥) + P again.
- To clear all unpineed items, select Clear in the menu. To clear all items including pinned, select Clear in the menu with OPTION (⌥) pressed.
- To customize the behavior, check "Preferences..." window.
You can tell Maccy to ignore all copied items:
defaults write org.p0deje.Maccy ignoreEvents true # default is false
This is useful if you have some workflow for copying sensitive data. You can set ignoreEvents
to true, copy the data and set ignoreEvents
back to false.
By default Maccy will ignore certain copy types that are considered to be confidential or temporary. The default list always include the following types:
Also, default configuration includes the following types but they can be removed or overwritten:
Pasteboard generator type
You can add additional custom types using preferences or defaults
defaults write org.p0deje.Maccy ignoredPasteboardTypes -array-add "com.myapp.CustomType"
If you accidentally removed default types, you can restore the original configuration:
defaults write org.p0deje.Maccy ignoredPasteboardTypes -array "de.petermaurer.TransientPasteboardType" "com.typeit4me.clipping" "Pasteboard generator type" "com.agilebits.onepassword"
There are dozens of similar applications out there, so why build another? Over the past years since I moved from Linux to macOS, I struggled to find a clipboard manager that is as free and simple as Parcellite, but I couldn't. So I've decided to build one.
Also, I wanted to learn Swift and get acquainted with macOS application development.