This repository contains files to build, train and test a deep-learning prediction model.
Interested scholars can access the data by contacting Nemours Biomedical Research Informatics Center and signing a data use agreement.
cohort_selection_2.ipynb is the file used to select final cohort for descriptive analysis and prediction model training
cohort_prelim is the file used to run descriptive analysis on the selected cohort.
- consists of code to create batches of data according to batch_size and create, train and test the model. Below are the function details -
- create_model used to call file to create and initiate the model architecture
- decXY create input vector for decoder
- encXY create input vector for encoder
- dl_train calls all internal functions to train the model
- dl_test calls all internal functions to test the model
- model_test test the model to collect performance metrics
- test_read reads the files created by model_test
- display_output used to display the output of test results
- model_test_full test the model for feature importance interpretation
- interpret create files with results of feature importance interpretation and save the files
- interpret_read reads the files creates by interpret function and calls display_contri function to display the output
- display_contri used to display feature importance
- consists of code to create batches of data for temporal and geographic validation of the model.
- consist of different model architectures.
- consists of class to perform evaluation of results obtained from models.
- consists of code to perform fairness evaluation.
- consists of list of hyperparameters to be defined for model training.
./saved_models consists of models saved during training.