Command line utility for controlling Embrava BlyncLights on Linux.
make all
Usage: ./BlyncLight <device_index|all> <command> [options]
reset - Turn off the light.
<color> - Set a color (red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow, white, orange)
rgb <r> <g> <b> - Set RGB color values (0-255)
flash <speed> - Flash the light at a speed (low, medium, high, pulse)
stop_flash - Stop flashing the light
dim - Dim the light by 50%
clear_dim - Clear the dim effect
music <number> - Play music track <number>
stop_music - Stop playing music
repeat - Set music repeat
clear_repeat - Clear music repeat
volume <level> - Set volume level (1-10)
mute - Mute the volume
unmute - Unmute the volume
info - List device's unique IDs and types