Here you will find the source of my public plugins and commands, free to use however you please. If a command/plugin isn't compiling or working as it should, make a new issue here and I'll get to it when possible. Command/plugin requests are open and you can suggest them here.
- Put the plugin's .cs file into the ./plugins/ folder. If it's not there, make a new folder and put it in there.
- Either in-game or via the server console, type /pcompile [plugin name]. It should say Plugin compiled successfully., if it doesn't, make an issue here.
- Now type /pload [plugin name]. It should say Plugin loaded successfully.
- And you're done, enjoy your plugin.
- Put the command's .cs file into the ./extra/commands/source/ folder. If it's not there, make a new folder and put it in there.
- Either in-game or via the server console, type /compile [command name]. It should say Command compiled successfully., if it doesn't, make an issue here.
- Now type /cmdload [command name]. It should say Command loaded successfully.
- And you're done, enjoy your command.
All compiled plugins and commands are now loaded on startup in latest MCGalaxy versions.
Name | Description |
AntiVPN | Prevents people from joining your server with a VPN. |
BetterPing | Makes your ping significantly lower. |
BugWebhook | Send a message on Discord whenever there's an error on your server. |
CommandsInPluginExample | Example source code for embedding commands into your plugin. |
Compass | Adds a compass into your HUD. |
Crouching | Adds an option to crouch in the game by pressing left shift (does not prevent falling off blocks). |
CustomChat* | Allows changing the chat format. |
CustomEventExample | Example source code for adding custom events for cross-plugin communication. |
CustomSoftware | Allows changing the software name both in-game and in the launcher. |
CustomStats | Adds custom /top stats. |
CustomTab* | Allows changing the format of your tab list. |
CustomWorldGen | Example source code for adding custom newlvl themes. |
DailyBonus | Gives people money once per day when they login OR type /daily OR have been on the server for 30+ minutes. |
DayNightCycle | Adds a day-night cycle into the game. Does NOT modify sun or shadow values due to chunk reloading. |
DiscordActionLog | Relays a message to a Discord channel whenever an action has been performed (kick, ban, warn etc). |
DiscordChannelName | Renames a Discord channel name to match server player count. |
DiscordVerify | Bridge between Discord <-> server for linking Discord accounts. |
Example | Example source code in case you want to make your own plugins. |
ExampleStoreItem | Example source code for adding a custom item into /store. |
FavouriteMap | Allows people to set their favourite map which is shown in /whois. |
GamemodeTemplate | The template I use for gamemodes on my server. |
HoldBlocks | Shows the block you're holding in your hand for everybody to see. |
IRCWebhook | Relays a message from your server to Discord without a bot. |
LastLocation* | Return to your last known location. |
LocationJoin | Announces the country players connect to the server from in chat. |
Lottery | Enter and win money. |
MobAI* | Adds custom bot AI instructions. Warning: Experimental. |
Nametags* | Changes your nametag. |
NickBlocker | Prevents using /whonick in a level which has -nicks in its MOTD. |
Parties | Create/join parties and talk privately with specific people (temporary /team). |
PlayerCount | Changes the max player count of the server to be +1 of the player count. |
PreventOPBlocks | Prevents being able to delete OP blocks. |
SessionPunishments | Forces players to be online for the entire duration of their mute/freeze. |
SneakAI | Instantly kills players who get too close to the bot. |
Stopwatch | Adds a stopwatch into the game. |
TempFlood* | Allows client-side water flooding. |
TimeAFK | Shows the amount of time players have been AFK for. |
VenkLib | Essential commands every server owner should have. |
VenkSurvival | Adds survival options such as PvP, drowning, fall damage, hunger, mining and more. Requires VenkLib plugin. |
XP | Adds an XP leveling system. |
means that the plugin is private or made exclusive for specific people and requires some modification before adding here.
Name | Description |
/Adventure | Easily toggle /map buildable and /map deletable in one command. |
/Announce | Shows custom text in the middle of peoples' screen. |
/BestMaps | Randomly teleport to one of the specified best maps on the server. |
/Bottom | Opposite of /top in that it sorts in ascending order. |
/Chevify | Turns your map into a funky |
/FakeGive | Tells people they've gotten money when they haven't. |
/FileManager | Allows players to modify files without file access. |
/FixTP | Replaces all map textures with a newly-specified one. Useful for mass-fixing levels with broken textures. |
/ImportSchematic | Imports a .schematic file from Minecraft into CC's .lvl format. |
/ListLevels | Shows a list of levels that have either build or visit permissions set to a specified rank. |
/MoveEverything | Moves bots, message blocks and portals relatively. Useful for moving builds. |
/Preset | Easier access for /os env preset that also allows people with build access to change. |
/Quote | Add and view quotes from players. |
/Remove | Removes a player from the database permanently. |
/Reward | Used primarily in message blocks to give rewards to players. |