GSM and GPRS Security Using OsmocomBB, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway.
Author: François Pönsgen
Responsible professor: Stig F. Mjølsnes, ITEM (NTNU)
Supervisor at ULB: Jean-Michel Dricot, OPERA (ULB)
This thesis analyzes the security of Norwegian GSM and GPRS networks
using the OsmocomBB project, which aims to create a free and
open source GSM baseband software implementation. OsmocomBB was
used to understand the GSM system, and to understand and implement
two types of attacks. The first one is an eavesdropping attack, and the
second one is a set of Denial-of-Service attacks: the RACH flood attack,
the IMSI attach flood attack, the IMSI detach attack, and an attack
based on race conditions in the paging process.
The feasibility of these attacks on Norwegian networks was assessed.
It was found that both Telenor and Netcom seem protected from the
eavesdropping attack. The IMSI detach attack is effective on Telenor,
but not on Netcom. The other Denial-of-Service attacks are probably
effective, but were not tested since they could damage the networks.
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