Dockerized version of
Create an app in your Slack: and click "Create new App"
Create a "Bot User" for that app: click "Bot Users" in app settings, then "Add a Bot User": username
, Display Name:ArchiveBot
Install the app in your Slack Worplace: go to "OAuth & Permissions" and click on "Install App to Workspace"
You will need the "Bot User OAuth Access Token" you can see at the "OAuth & Permissions" menu, in the
below (please note: you will see this token only after installing the app in your workspace) -
Clone this repo
Build docker container with
docker build --build-arg slack_api_token=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -t slack-archive-bot .
Create a volume where to store the sqlite database file (
)docker volume create slack-archive-bot
(Skip in case you do not care about importing historical data into your archive) Export your team's slack history. Download the archive and export it to a directory called
Run the container
docker run --mount source=slack-archive-bot,target=/app slack-archive-bot
You can access the volume directly with
docker run -it --rm --mount source=slack-archive-bot,target=/app ubuntu
# then you'll see the slack.sqlite file with
# ls /app/slack.sqlite
When running, ArchiveBot will continue to archive new messages for any channel it is invited to. To add the bot to your channels:
/invite @ArchiveBot
If @ArchiveBot is the name you gave your bot user.
To search the archive, direct message (DM) @ArchiveBot with the search query. For example, sending the word "pizza" will return the first 10 messages that contain the word "pizza". There are a number of parameters that can be provided to the query. The full usage is:
<query> from:<user> in:<channel> sort:asc|desc limit:<number>
query: The text to search for.
user: If you want to limit the search to one user, the username.
channel: If you want to limit the search to one channel, the channel name.
sort: Either asc if you want to search starting with the oldest messages,
or desc if you want to start from the newest. Default asc.
limit: The number of responses to return. Default 10.
Contributions are more than welcome, but for non docker contributions better go to the repo I forked.
Code released under the MIT license.