pvvx / ATC_MiThermometer
Forked from atc1441/ATC_MiThermometerCustom firmware for the Xiaomi Thermometers and Telink Flasher
API client for electra air conditioner models that support the ElectraSmart app
Android app that instantly fetches your lyrics for you.
Data files to accompany the algorithms from Norvig And Russell's "Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach"
Javascript visualization of algorithms from Russell And Norvig's "Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach"
Python implementation of algorithms from Russell And Norvig's "Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach"
Java implementation of algorithms from Russell And Norvig's "Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach"
Asynchronous Javascript templating for the browser and server is a REST+JSON framework for building robust, scalable service architectures using dynamic discovery and simple asynchronous APIs.