IntroductionPOO_JAVA is a JAVA project excercises that contain 6 kind of classes with their attribute, constructors and methods.
Just cpoy-paste the file repository on your NETBEANS project directory. Teh local directory used was:
class Person{
+ setName(String name)
+ getName(): String
+ name: String
+ lastName1: String
+ lastName2: String
+ dateBirth: Date
+ height: float
class Fruit{
- setColor(String name)
- getColors(): ArrayList<String>
- getName()
+ name: String
- averageWeight: float
+ colors: ArrayList<String>
+ String color
class BankAccount{
+ setActivated(boolean activated)
+ getActivated(): boolean
- accountNumber: int
# activated: boolean
class Ball{
+ radio: float
+ weight: float
+ obtenerRadio()
+ obtenerPeso()
class Car{
+ idCar: int
+ weight: double
+ height: double
+ size: double
+ numberDoor: int
+ model: String
+ speed: int
+ getIdCar()
+ setIdCar(int idCar)
+ getModel()
+ setModel(String model)
+ increaseSpeed(int increment)
class Pet{
+ name: String
+ species: String
+ age: int
+ play()
+ pet()
+ bark(String specie)
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Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.