🍷 Welcome to Vengeful Vineyard! 😠
This project was created for the sole purpose of 💥 punishing members in the student organization Online Linjeforening whenever they fail to perform their respective tasks.
Their failure shall be documented on our page as a 'vinstraff' (wine punishment). The old and outdated version can be found here: RedWine.
The project is is finished🎉 It is currently being maintained by Dotkom from the Online student association.
The link to the page is: Vengeful Vineyard
We use Doppler to manage secrets. After installation, set up using:
doppler login
doppler setup
- (select vengeful-vineyard, dev)
cd frontend
pnpm i
doppler run pnpm dev
Created with FastAPI and PostgreSQL.
- Make sure you have docker and docker compose installed.
cd backend
- Start server with:
make dev
- Go to: http://localhost:8000/docs for Swagger docs
Please take a look at our issues if you want to contribute to this project. Pull requests are welcome!
Before contributing, make sure to install pre-commit hooks with pre-commit install
If you don't have pre-commit
installed, you can install it with pip install pre-commit
or brew install pre-commit
Do deploy changes to the aws. You will need to have the AWS CLI installed and set up. First ask dotkom for credentials so that they can create a IAM user for you. Then do the following steps:
- Install AWS CLI
- Then run `aws configure' in the terminal
- Optional: Set up a new profile for the project
- Instead run
aws configure --profile dotkom
Note: You will need to have jq installed.
cd backend
make deploy-prod
- Optionally if you are having profiles set up, you can run
make deploy-prod PROFILE=dotkom
- Optionally if you are having profiles set up, you can run
Note: You will need to have the Doppler CLI installed and set up.
doppler login
doppler setup
- (select vengeful-vineyard, dev)cd frontend
npm run deploy:prod
- Optionallly if you are having profiles set up, you can run
npm run deploy:prd -- --profile dotkom
- Optionallly if you are having profiles set up, you can run
- Delete
docker-compose up --build