diego domenzain September 2020 @ Colorado School of Mines
Find the frequencies that make up a signal at each time.
This script is an example of finding the STFT of a signal.
´´´matlab % larger alpha -> narrower window % larger width_ -> wider window
[stft_, gau_, fspect, tspect] = stft(wvlet, dt, t, alph, width_);
% 🎨
figure; plot(t,wvlet) axis square; grid on; xlabel('Time (sec)') ylabel('Data (data)')
subplot(1,3,2) fancy_imagesc(abs(stft_),t,fspect) axis square; xlabel('Time (t)') ylabel('Frequency (1/t)') title('Power (dB)') simple_figure()
subplot(1,3,3) fancy_imagesc(gau_.',t,tspect) axis square; ylabel('Time spectogram (t)') xlabel('Time (t)') title('Time window (data)') simple_figure() ´´´