diego domenzain April 2021 @ Colorado School of Mines
These scripts are an example of solving a sparse system of equations using UMFPACK.
This whole project is from this great book.
For the triplet form we need three vectors: I, J
and V
In Matlab this would be A = sparse(I,J,V)
For the Compressed Column Storage (CSS) form - which is actually more clever - we need vectors I, P
and V
% A of size m by n
m = 4;
n = 5;
A = [0 7 0 0 1; 0 4 0 3 0; 6 6 5 1 4; 5 5 0 0 0];
% gives the triplet form I, J and V,
I = [2 3 0 1 2 3 2 1 2 0 2];
J = [0 0 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 4];
V = [6 5 7 4 6 5 5 3 1 1 4];
A = sparse(I+1,J+1,V);
% CSS notation asks for P.
% P is a clever substitute for J.
% build of P is like so,
% 1. P is of size columns of A plus 1,
% 2. count repeated entries in J,
% 3. sum these repetitions recursively and put partial results in P.
% as a result, the last entry of P is the number of non-zero elements of A.
% init P
% P = zeros(1,n+1);
% count repeated entries in J
% 2 4 1 2 2
% sum them recursively and store (starts at 0)
% 0, 2, 2+4=6, 6+1=7, 7+2=9, 9+2=11
% for this example:
% P = [0 2 6 7 9 11];
nz_ = numel(I);
P = zeros(n+1,1);
ij = 1;
for in=1:n
while ( ij<nz_ && J(ij)==J(ij+1) )
p_ = p_+1;
ij = ij+1;
P(in+1) = P(in) + p_;
nz = P(n+1);
% gives the CSS form by I, P and V:
P = [0 2 6 7 9 11];
I = [2 3 0 1 2 3 2 1 2 0 2];
V = [6 5 7 4 6 5 5 3 1 1 4];
This is your problem. This code assumes it has already been done.
The Umfpack website might be a good place to start.
In my personal computer the address to the Umfpack libs relative to this directory is:
Simple, straight-forward, trackable example.
$> make
$> make clean
$> ./umpfpack-simple
Builds on umfpack-simple.c
. Mostly just adds error & warning handles.
$> make
$> make clean
$> ./umpfpack-cool
Implements Umfpack in Fortran. Builds on umfpack-cool.c
The error & warning handles of umfpack-cool.c
are not implemented here.
It is very difficult to find clear documentation for porting Umfpack to Fortran online.
The "porting" is done via the C wrapper SuiteSparse/UMFPACK/Demo/umf4_f77wrapper.c
Not all features of Umfpack.c are in Umfpack.f. For example, the matrix has to already be in CSS format.
Even more annoyingly, the names of the functions change when using Umfpack.f.
For a dictionary of this nonsense, see the Umfpack User Guide, Chapter 7 (in SuiteSparse/UMFPACK/Doc
$> gfortran -c umfpack_cool.f90
$> gcc -c ../../../../SuiteSparse/UMFPACK/Demo/umf4_f77wrapper.c
$> gfortran umfpack_cool.o umf4_f77wrapper.o -L../../../../SuiteSparse/lib -lumfpack
$> ./a.out
Programming Projects in C for Students of Engineering, Science, and Mathematics. Rouben Rostamian. SIAM, 2014.