This repository contains the web site.
You should test any changes to the web site locally before pushing.
In the Terminal, cd
to the root directory of your clone.
Make sure you have Ruby 2.0.0 or greater:
ruby --version
Install the bundler gem:
gem install bundler
Install the bundle of gems used by GitHub Pages:
bundle install
If it's been awhile since you installed the bundle, update it:
bundle update
Start a local web server by running:
bundle exec jekyll serve --baseurl ''
Now you can access in your web browser to see the web site. When you make changes to your clone, your local site will automatically update. When done testing, press Ctrl + C to stop the local web server.
Changes to _config.yml are not automatically reflected. If you change _config.yml, stop and start the local web server to see those changes take effect.
These instructions are based on GitHub's instructions.