Some ideas for interacting, previewing or just playing with folders on hover.
- Anime.js by Julian Garnier
- Charming.js by Yuan Qing
- Images designs by People Avantars, Set of three field banners with trees, Beautiful hand drawn landscapes nature banners, Flat cityscape pack, Set of banners with mountains
- Folder user icon by Madebyoliver, Ineraction Asset
- Planet icon by Designerz Base
- Padlock icon by Freepik
- Cloud icon by Gregor Cresnar
This resource can be used freely if integrated or build upon in personal or commercial projects such as websites, web apps and web templates intended for sale. It is not allowed to take the resource "as-is" and sell it, redistribute, re-publish it, or sell "pluginized" versions of it. Free plugins built using this resource should have a visible mention and link to the original work. Always consider the licenses of all included libraries, scripts and images used.
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