This package helps you write tests using Jest (and Vitest - coming soon!) with much less boilerplate than you are currently used to. Much of this boilerplate is in the mocks you have to setup and use in your tests. It also helps to reduce friction with test assertions for side effects (or outputs) that are harder to assert on. By creating fakes and/or mocks that are reusable and also pass as Jest stubs making it easy to assert on them.
Therefore, mocklets is a set of reusable standard mocks (and fakes) for popular browser APIs, Node.js APIs and framework/library objects for Jest. This library creates a seamless bridge between Jest, JSDOM and Popular Thrid-party JS libraries (e.g. fetch()
, localStorage
, console.log()
, window.location.href
, window.confirm()
, new ResizeObserver()
, MUI, Nextjs, react-hook-form, ExpressJS e.t.c) used for building apps such that you don't have to think about how and what you need/require to setup your testing space to write tests.
You can now write your Jest tests a lot more faster and better than before.
So, mocklets as stated earlier is simply something that helps removes unnecessary heavy boilerplate and assertion friction when writing tests in Jest. But why and how does it help to remove all these ?
When writing tests, we have to assert on the side effects (or outputs) from our Jest test cases that has just run. Sometimes, it is easy to assert these side effects (or outputs) if they are in a place that is easy to access (e.g. window.localStoraget.getItem(...)
if the output from our test case was set into local storage like using window.localStorage.setItem(...)
Other times, it is not so easy. We have to setup Jest stubs (i.e. testing tools that record when they are called, what they are called with and how many times they are called). Yet, when we want to verify these things from when third-party libraries/APIs are called, it's not easy because these third-party libraries/APIs are not wrapped with Jest #stubs that record these calls so we can easily assert the side effect from running our code in these test cases.
Plus, we don't always want to run the real thing (i.e. the real implementation of these third-party libraries/APIs) in our tests every time. We want to run a fake version or a mock version that behaves like the real implementation simply because it's cheaper to run. Also, since #Jest uses JSDOM which isn't a real browser environment, the real implementation might get stuck somehow.
So, mocklets is a bridge between faking out these third-party libries/APIs and making them test-friendly in a Jest/JSDOM environment.
For instance, window.location.href
when set to a new url value in a real browser causes navigation so JSDOM doesn't really allow for it to be set to a new url value. But mocklets turns this around using some JS tricks make it possible to set window.location.href
to a new url value making it easy to assert if window.location.href
was changed during the running of your test case.
Again, mocklets also does the same for the useForm()
hook from react-hook-form third-party library. Within your test environment, useForm()
becomes a fake implementation that returns a Jest stub object that can asserted on.
Finally, mocklets does the same for the JS object returned by the NextJS hook: useRouter()
when called. Now, you can easily assert that back()
or push()
was called since back()
or push()
are Jest stubs based on a fake implementation of useRouter()
Everyone knows how hard software testing setup can be. When it comes to the testing pyramid or testing polygon, the most amount of work to be done is in creating fixtures or building mocks and fakes which can be quite daunting.
The very popular testing frameworks for unit testing and e-to-e tests are good at providing certain building blocks for creating mocks/fakes but how often do we have to rebuild/reconstruct the same building blocks to create the same exact (usually from scratch) materials in each test suite in order to make test doubles (e.g. mocks/stubs(spies)/fakes) available for different JavaScript software projects ?
This is where mocklets come in.
This project provides re-usable and standard mocks/stubs/fakes for Jest only (Vitest coming soon).
Finally, sometimes, Jest and JSDOM don't play nice and JSDOM has browser APIs that are not yet implemented or badly implemented (see list here). mocklets tries to shield you from these issues so you don't have to deal with them.
Install using
npm install mocklets
Or install using yarn
yarn add mocklets
mocklets can ONLY run well on Node.js v12.2.0 - v19.3.x as well as Jest v25.5.1 - v29.5.x
You can use mocklets inside your jest test suite files simply by importing into these files and calling the functions outside or within the describe()
callback. You can also make addditional calls within any of test()
and/or it()
It is important to note that Jest module hoisting is still necessary for mocklets to work properly.
For instance, we can simply hoist React in Jest by doing this:
import React from 'react';
jest.mock('react', () => ({
const $useRef = (value) => {
return {
current: value
jest.spyOn(require('react'), 'useRef').mockImplementationOnce(
In the same vein, we can also provision react-hook-form hooks (when using mocklets) by doing this too:
import type { UseFormReturn, SubmitHandler } from 'react-hook-form';
import { render, fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react';
import {
} from 'mocklets'
import Form from '../src/components/UI/regions/Form';
import { toBeArray, toBeEmpty } from 'jest-extended';
expect.extend({ toBeArray, toBeEmpty });
jest.mock('react-hook-form', () => ({
describe('Tests for my custom React form', () => {
const {
} = provisionMockedReactHookFormForTests_withAddons()
const stubSubmit = jest.fn() as unknown as SubmitHandler<{ id: number }>;
beforeEach(() => {
if ('mockClear' in stubSubmit
&& typeof stubSubmit['mockClear'] === 'function') {
it('should render the form', () => {
const { getByTestId } = render(
<Form onSubmit={stubSubmit} />
const form = getByTestId("my-form")
it('should submit the form', () => {
const { formState }: UseFormReturn = $setSpyOn_useForm_withMockImplementation({
options: {
values: {
id: 345458
const { getByTestId } = render(
<Form onSubmit={stubSubmit} />
const submitButton = getByTestId('submitbutton');
The philosophy which mocklets operates on is that of avoiding mocks (test doubles that have no implementation) for as long as possible before choosing them as a last resort. For mocklets, the real implementation (and interface) is prefered first. Where it is impractical to use the real implmentation and interface then, fakes (test doubles that have implementation) are prefered.
This layers of preference is due to the fact that tests have much hgher reliability when either the real implementation or a fake implmentation is used when testing.
Using a fake implementation boosts the confidence of a software engineer in the tests they've written so that it is safer and faster to make changes without worry.
export default function greetingMaker (subjectFullName = 'John Doe', subjectTitle = 'Mr.') {
const format = window.localStorage.getItem('greeting:format');
const today = new Date();
const hourOfToDay = today.getHours();
let salutation = "Good evening";
if (hourOfToDay < 12) {
salutation = "Good morning";
if (hourOfToDay >= 12 && hourOfToDay <= 16) {
salutation = "Good afternoon";
if (format === "old-fashioned") {
salutation = "Good day";
return `${saluation}, ${subjectTitle} ${subjectFullName}`;
import {
} from 'mocklets';
import greetingMaker from '../';
describe('{greetingMaker(..)} | Unit Test Suite', () => {
/* @HINT
* mock/fake for `new Date()`
const ticker = provisionFakeDateForTests(
new Date(2024, 0, 2, 12, 34, 55),
/* @HINT
* mock/fake for `winodw.localStorage`
test('it should return the correct greeting text given no valid format', () => {
expect(greetingMaker('Diana Obiora', 'Miss.')).toBe(
'Good afternoon, Miss. Diana Obiora'
test('it should return the correct greeting text given a valid format', () => {
const timekeeper = ticker.timePiece; Date(2024, 1, 2, 10, 22, 27))
window.localStorage.setItem('greeting:format', 'old-fashioned')
expect(greetingMaker('Samuel Obiora')).toBe(
'Good day, Mr. Samuel Obiora'
Below are some more ways you can use mocklets
- Imagine we have a simple ExpressJS app with one route defined that reads a file from disk and serves the contents down to the http client. See below:
module.exports = function (req, res, next) {
const options = {
root: path.join(process.cwd(), '..', 'public'),
dotfiles: 'deny',
headers: {
'x-sent': true
const fileName =
res.sendFile(`${fileName}.txt`, options, function (error) {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('Sent:', fileName)
'use strict';
const express = require('express');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const getFile = require('./controllers/downloads/getFile.js')
const app = express();
app.get('/fetch/file/:name', getFile);
app.listen(8080, function() {
console.log('Server started');
- We can write a test for the ExpressJS app (using
) as follows:
import { createRequire } from 'module';
import {
} from 'mocklets'
function addBodyParserForTests (app) {
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
/* @HINT:
* Mocking/Faking the filesystem (in memory)
* Always remember, #{mocklets} requires the 'fs'
* module hoisted (as above) !!
provisionMockedNodeJSFileSystemForTests((mock, path) => {
const expressJSPublicFolderPath = path.resolve(
path.join(__dirname, '../../../../public')
mode: 0755,
items: {
'open-scape.txt': mock.file({
content: 'Hello World!',
ctime: new Date(1411609054470), // Wed Sep 24 2014 18:37:34 GMT-0700 (PDT)
mtime: new Date(1411609054470) // Wed Sep 24 2014 18:37:34 GMT-0700 (PDT)
'.DS_store': mock.file({ mode: 33188, content: '', birthtime: new Date() }),
'pixies.png': Buffer.from([8, 6, 7, 5, 3, 0, 9])
/* @HINT:
* 'getFile' is a commonjs module being imported
* in an ES context. So, we use `createRequire()`
* Since, the 'getFile' module makes use of `res.sendFile()`,
* It has to be imported after mocking the filesystem (as above)
const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);
const getFile = require('../../getFile');
describe('Testing `getFile()` ExpressJS app controller action', () => {
/* @HINT
* ExpressJS request, response and next fixtures/fakes will be extracted
* from here ( i.e. `getTextFixtures(...)` ).
const { getTestFixtures } = provisionFixturesForTests_withAddons()
/* @HINT:
* Always provision `console.log/warn/error/...` after loading
* The 'Delayed Logging' strategy will still push your logs to the console.
* You'll still be able to see them all in time
* however, only after all the test case has run.
* Here, we'll be mocking/faking ONLY `console.log()`
* We can fake more if we want by just adding it to the
* array: [ 'log', 'warn', 'error' ]
[ 'log' ]
/* @HINT:
* The `new Date()` mock/fake here is frozen in time for the tests
new Date(2024, 1, 4, 11, 24, 10),
"should send error as http response to client if file doesn't exist | [fixture: expressHttpRequest, expressHttpResponse, expressNext]",
() => {
/* @NOTE: Arrange */
const req = getTestFixture('expressHttpRequest', {
/* @HINT:
* Misspell the name of the file as http request params
* (on purpose)
params: {
name: 'open-spacey'
const res = getTestFixture('expressHttpResponse', {
locals: {
id: '273993'
cookies: [
'__user_id=ajdjH34u774GDye8w3004993; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=None;'
const nextErrorSpy = jest.fn()
const next = getTestFixture('expressNext', nextErrorSpy)
/* @INFO: Setup boddy parser for the test for the `getFile` route handler */
/* @INFO: Needed by the ExpressJS fake implementation of `sendFile()` */ = next;
/* @NOTE: Act - Execute the ExpressJS route handler */
getFile(req, res, next)
/* @NOTE: Assert - Validate assertions */
dotfiles: 'deny',
headers: {
'x-timestamp': 1707042250000,
'x-sent': true
"should send file as http response to client if file exists | [fixture: expressHttpRequest, expressHttpResponse, expressNext]",
() => {
/* @NOTE: Arrange */
const req = getTestFixture('expressHttpRequest', {
params: {
name: 'open-scape'
const res = getTestFixture('expressHttpResponse', {
locals: {
id: '273993'
const nextErrorSpy = jest.fn()
const next = getTestFixture('expressNext', nextErrorSpy)
/* @INFO: Setup boddy parser for the test for the `getFile` route handler */
/* @INFO: Needed by the ExpressJS fake implementation of `sendFile()` */ = next;
/* @NOTE: Act - Execute the ExpressJS route handler */
getFile(req, res, next)
/* @NOTE: Assert - Validate assertions */
dotfiles: 'deny',
headers: {
'x-timestamp': 1707042250000,
'x-sent': true
expect(console.log).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Sent:', 'open-scape')
- Imagine we created a simple function called:
to check if a web page is served from localhost. See below:
export const isLocalHost = () => {
if (typeof window === 'undefined') {
return false;
return ["http://localhost", ""].includes(
window.location.origin.replace(/\:[\d$]{4,5}/, "")
) || Boolean(
window.location.hostname === 'localhost' ||
// [::1] is the IPv6 localhost address.
window.location.hostname === '[::1]' ||
// is considered localhost for IPv4.
- We could write a unit test for the
function (usingmocklets
) as follows:
import {
} from 'mocklets'
import {
} from './src/helpers/index'
describe('Tests for isLocalHost() function', () => {
const {
} = provisionFakeBrowserURILocationForTests_withAddons()
it('should return `false` if page host isn\'t localhost', () => {
it('should return `true` if page host is localhost', () => {
Setting up mocklets for use is very easy. All you need is to import the relavant API to provision whatever mock/fake you need and let mocklets handdle the rest.
- Let's take a simple test case
So, instead of doing this below...
import {
} from '../../utils'
describe('Test getUserFromStorage function', () => {
/* eslint-disable-next-line no-proto */
jest.spyOn(window.sessionStorage.__proto__, 'getItem').mockImplementationOnce((key) => {
if (key === 'user') {
return '{ "lastname": "Ebeihie", "firstname" : "Jonah", "gender": "male" }'
it('should return the user object', () => {
).toBe('{ "lastname": "Ebeihie", "firstname" : "Jonah", "gender": "male" }')
It's better to do this...
import {
} from 'mocklets'
import {
} from '../../utils'
describe('Test getUserFromStorage function', () => {
/* @HINT
* mock/fake for `window.sessionStorage`
it('should return the user object', () => {
'{ "lastname": "Ebeihie", "firstname" : "Jonah", "gender": "male" }'
).toBe('{ "lastname": "Ebeihie", "firstname" : "Jonah", "gender": "male" }')
- Now, let's take a NextJS project test case
Again, instead of doing the following...
import React from 'react';
import { render, waitFor, fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react';
import * as router from 'next/router';
import type { NextRouter } from 'next/router';
import {
} from '../../../constants';
import MyArticleComponentUsingNextRouter from '../../pages/blog/article/[articleId]';
import { dummyArticleId } from '../__fixtures__/forArticles';
process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL = 'http://localhost:3000/';
describe('Test article page logic', () => {
const mockPush = jest.fn(() => undefined);
const mockBack = jest.fn(() => undefined);
beforeEach(() => {
it('should navigate to edit-article page', async () => {
jest.spyOn(router, 'useRouter').mockImplementation(() => ({
query: {
id: dummyArticleId
push: mockPush,
} as never as NextRouter));
const { getByRole } = render(
<MyArticleComponentUsingNextRouter />
/* @HINT: Use ARIA attributes and constants so test code isn't tightly coupled to application code */
/* @NOTE: Imports; `asButton` = 'button' and `articlePage_editButton` = 'edit' */, { name: articlePage_editButtonName }));
await waitFor(
() => expect(
it('should navigate back to article page', async () => {
jest.spyOn(router, 'useRouter').mockImplementation(() => ({
query: {
id: dummyArticleId
pathname: `/blog/article/edit/${dummyArticleId}`,
back: mockback
} as never as NextRouter));
const { getByRole } = render(
<MyArticleComponentUsingNextRouter />
/* @HINT: Use ARIA attributes and constants so test code isn't tightly coupled to application code */
/* @NOTE: Imports; `asButton` = 'button' and `articlePage_backButton` = 'back' */, { name: articlePage_backButtonName }));
await waitFor(
() => expect(
It's much better to do this...
import React from 'react';
import { render, waitFor, fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react';
import * as router from 'next/router';
import { NextRouter } from 'next/router';
import {
} from 'mocklets';
import {
} from '../../../constants';
import MyArticleComponentUsingNextRouter from '../../pages/blog/article/[articleId]';
import { dummyArticleId } from '../__fixtures__/forArticles';
jest.mock('next/router', () => ({
describe('Test article page for my blog', () => {
/* @HINT:
* Create a factory for Next.js
* fake `useRouter()` hook that has Jest
* stub as part of the return object
* that can record imperative calls.
const {
} = provisionMockedNextJSRouterForTests_withAddons();
/* @HINT:
* Create a setter for `process.env`
* variables that make it easy to
* create test-only values for any
* environmental variable.
const {
} = provisionEnvironmentalVariablesForTests_withAddons(
/* @HINT:
* Create a fkae for the Next.js env variable:
$setEnv_forThisTestSuite('NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL', 'http://localhost:3000/');
it('should navigate to edit-article page', async () => {
/* @NOTE: Arrange */
/* @HINT: Create a Jest fake for Next.js `useRouter()` hook */
const { push }: NextRouter = $setSpyOn_useRouter_withReturnValueOnce(
query: {
id: dummyArticleId
/* @NOTE: Arrange */
const { getByRole } = render(
<MyArticleComponentUsingNextRouter />
/* @NOTE: Act */
/* @HINT: Use ARIA attributes and constants so test code isn't tightly coupled to application code */
/* @NOTE: Imports; `asButton` = 'button' and `articlePage_editButton` = 'edit' */, { name: articlePage_editButtonName }));
/* @NOTE: Assert */
await waitFor(
() => expect(
it('should navigate back to article page', async () => {
/* @NOTE: Arrange */
const { back }: NextRouter = $setSpyOn_useRouter_withReturnValueOnce(
query: {
id: dummyArticleId
pathname: `/blog/article/edit/${dummyArticleId}`,
/* @NOTE: Arrange */
const { getByRole } = render(
<MyArticleComponentUsingNextRouter />
/* @NOTE: Act */
/* @HINT: Use ARIA attributes and constants so test code isn't tightly coupled to application code */
/* @NOTE: Imports; `asButton` = 'button' and `articlePage_editButton` = 'edit' */, { name: articlePage_editButtonName }));
/* @NOTE: Assert */
await waitFor(
() => expect(
With mocklets, you can test two types of network requests namely:
- Web Sockets (
) - HTTP (
Here's an example of each:
const urlMap = {};
export const createWebSocketClient = (eventOptions = {}) => {
let _socket = null;
return {
connectTo (url = '') {
if (typeof url !== "string"
|| _socket !== null
|| urlMap.hasOwnProperty(url)) {
return Promise.reject(_socket);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
_socket = new window.WebSocket(url);
Object.keys(eventOptions).map((event) => {
const $callback = eventOptions[event]
_socket.addEventListener(event, $callback.bind(null, _socket));
urlMap[url] = _socket.readyState;
_socket.addEventListener('error', () => {
delete urlMap[url];
_socket = null;
_socket.addEventListener('open', () => {
urlMap[url] = _socket.readyState;
} catch(_) {
_socket = null
sendMessage (message = '') {
if (typeof message !== "string"
|| _socket === null) {
if (urlMap.hasOwnProperty(url)) {
urlMap[url] = _socket.readyState;
Now, write a test
import {
} from 'mocklets';
import { createWebSocketClient } from '../../src/chatRoom'
/* @HINT:
* Setup mocking for `console.log(...)`,
* `console.error(...)` and ``
* Compact logging is used to tie logs to specific
* tests with related prefix text.
[ 'log', 'error', 'info' ]
/* @HINT:
* Setup the mock web sockets server,
* as well as the client constructor
const handle = provisionMockedWebSocketClientAndServerForTests(
(serverInstance) => {
serverInstance.on('connection', (socket) => {
socket.on('message', () => {
// @TODO: Provide actual implementation later on...
socket.send('PING! PING!!')
describe('Test websocket comms', () => {
it('should connect and recieve data only when connection is alive', () => {
/** Arrange */
const client = createWebSocketClient({
open: (websocket/*, event */) => {"Details: ", websocket.url, websocket.readyState)
error: (websocket/*, event */) => {
close: (/* websocket, event */) => {
console.error("web socket is closed")
message: (websocket, event) => {
if (websocket.readyState === window.WebSocket.OPEN) {
console.log("Message: ",;
/** Act */
() => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 0);
/** Assert */
setTimeout(() => {
expect("Details: ", "ws://localhost:8080", window.WebSocket.OPEN)
expect(console.log).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Message: ", "PING! PING!!")
expect(console.error).toHaveBeenCalledWith("web socket is closed");
}, 1500);
class HttpResponseError extends Error {
constructor (public message: string, public response: Response) {
this.response = response
export default async function getTodos () {
let result = null;
try {
result = await window.fetch('', {
method: 'GET',
mode: 'no-cors'
if (!result.ok) {
throw new HttpResponseError('http server error', result)
const jsonText = await result.text();
return JSON.parse(jsonText);
} catch (error) {
if (!(error instanceof SyntaxError)) {
Now, write a test
import {
} from 'mocklets';
import { setupServer } from 'msw/node'
import getTodos from '../../src/apis/getTodos'
/* @HINT:
* Setup mocking for `console.error(...)`
* and ``
[ 'error', 'info' ]
/* @HINT:
* Setup the mock http server,
provisionMockedHttpServerForTests((http) => {
const handlers = [
http.get('', () => {'Captured a "GET /todos" request')
return new Response('[ todos! ]')
http.delete('', ({ params }) => {
console.log(`Captured a "DELETE /todos/${}" request`)
http.head('', () => {
// Respond with a network error.
return Response.error()
return setupServer(...handlers);
describe('Test api comms', () => {
it('should return todos', async () => {
/** Assert */
expect('Captured a "GET /todos" request')
await expect(getTodos()).resolves.toBe('[ todos! ]');
To be able to use mocklets with the most ease and clarity, it is advised the you set up the Jest configuration for setupFilesAfterEnv
mockelts exposes a jest setup file inside an .export folder.
See example (below) of how to set it up inside a jest.config.js
module.exports = {
testTimeout: 90000,
workerIdleMemoryLimit: '512MB',
cacheDirectory: '<rootDir>/.jest-cache',
moduleNameMapper: {
// Handle CSS imports (with CSS modules)
'^.+\\.module\\.(css|sass|scss)$': 'identity-obj-proxy',
// Handle image imports
'^.+\\.(png|jpg|jpeg|gif|webp|avif|ico|bmp|svg)$': '<rootDir>/__mocks__/imageFileMock.js',
setupFilesAfterEnv: [
/*! The mocklets jest setup file should be the first entry into the array */
mocklets makes it easy to use Jest mocks and mock implementations for the popular libraries and packages that you use everyday.
Apache License 2.0
If you wish to contribute to this project, you are very much welcome. Please, create an issue first before you proceed to create a PR (either to propose a feature or fix a bug). Make sure to clone the repo, checkout to a contribution branch and build the project before making modifications to the codebase.
Run all the following command (in order they appear) below:
$ npm run lint
$ npm run test
$ npm run build