Module to populate a gitops repo with the resources necessary to provision a DB2 of DB2WH database instance from Cloud Pak for Data.
This module requires a cluster that already has Data Foundation and DB2 Warehouse Service deployed.
For DB2 Warehouse (db2wh
) instance types, the module will disable automatic setting of kernel parameters, so that it can deploy on both managed and unmanaged clusters, following the steps listed at
The module depends on the following software components:
- terraform - v12
This module makes use of the output from other modules:
- GitOps -
- Namespace -
- db2wh-service -
module "cp-db2" {
source = ""
gitops_config = module.gitops.gitops_config
git_credentials = module.gitops.git_credentials
server_name = module.gitops.server_name
namespace = "cp4d"
kubeseal_cert = module.gitops.sealed_secrets_cert
storageClass = var.storageClass
database_name = var.database_name
pvcsize = var.pvcsize
db2instancetype = "db2wh"