This is a Yugioh Ai Simulator. The final build will have Ai find the best deck as well as play optimally.
There are 2 Ais that need to made. A deck building Ai which is written in python. And a game Ai written in c#.
- Use Project Ignis Edopro OR if building EdoPro, see
- You will also need to edit the EDOPro's code in order to launch LAN mode and start the game automaticly when running from the python scripts. See ChangestoEdopro.txt
- Download sqllite expert personal to read the .cdb database files
- Copy the edopro files into the folder called edopro_bin
- Copy the cards.cdb and any other .cdb files into the WindBot-Ignite-master/bin/Debug folder
- In Windbot-Ignite in Programs.cs line 88, add all the .cdb file in use like
dbPaths = new string[]{
- (In progress) Run python -t -r to train the ai. -t is to set the flag to train, -r is to set the flag to reset the database
will train all the data in the database. Add the flag -f to see what it thinks which action to take, use -a to train with all the
will run an http server which windbot uses. You must run this if you are going to manualy run the AI.- After building the Windbot, in the bin/Debug file, you can run a pre program AI using this command
.\WindBot.exe Deck=Master Hand=2 Name=Random2 TotalGames=25 IsTraining=false IsFirst=false
and run a trained AI using this command.\WindBot.exe Deck=Random1 Hand=1 Name=Random1 TotalGames=100 IsFirst=true IsTraining=false IsManual=false
be sure to run the python server by using the
. - To run an AI on manualy train mode, add the commands IsManual=True ShouldUpdate=true Deck=AIBase, and add the deck you want to play with DeckFile=DECKFILE_PATH
- Input Parameters for windbot
- Name - Name of the bot, this is also kept track of in training if deckfile is not specified
- Deck - The ai bot to use, AI_Base is the Selftraining bot program (WIP), AI_HardCodedBase Contains a bunch of AI code (Untested) combined into one file.
- DeckFile - The Path to a file for the ai to read and use as a deck, .ydk files only
- Port - the port to join on
- Hand - Rock paper scissors - 0,1,2 ?
- RolloutCount - For MCTS, How many rollouts to perform
- TotalGames - How many games to play before stopping
- IsFirst - For some AIs to choose first or second
- IsMCTS - (Old) to set the ai engine to use mcts
- IsHardCoded - ???
- IsTraining - Makes AI_Base moves more random? or for MCTS makes it search the tree more
- ShouldUpdate - If the Ai should record the data into the database (It will still record some information)
- WinThreshold - The win percentage before it should stop
- PastWinLimit - How many previous games it should check for the win threshold count.
- Id - The AI Unique Id (Idk if I use this)
- IsManual - For AI_Base to let the player manually enter moves
- Notable files in Windbot are Logger.cs, GameAI.cs and RandomExecutorBase.cs
- Logger.cs controls the Weights when they are updated and read
- GameAI controls how the ai works
- RandomExecutorBase controls all the math and decision the AI makes.
- In order to run the AI on EDOPro, you need to update the version number of the windbot in WindbotInfo.cs. You can get the version number from EDOPro by running a LAN game, adding a bot, and copying it's launch arguments
- Project Ignis EDOPRO-core
- Project Ignis Windbot