I am a Postdoc in the EarthByte Group at the University of Sydney, School of Geosciences. I am interested in the inversion of thermochemical properties of the lithosphere subject to available geophysical data and their uncertainties. Inversions that couple multiple datasets ultimately improve the precision and understanding of the thermochemical evolution of the Earth. My expertise lies in Bayesian statistics applied to spatial and spatio-temporal data analysis, and in integrating numerical solid Earth evolution models with observations to constrain crustal evolution. Check out benmather.info for a list of recent publications and conference proceedings.
🎓 PhD in Earth Sciences @ University of Melbourne
🎓 BSc (Hons) in Geoscience @ Monash University
- Data assimilation within physical Earth models
- Bayesian inversion
- Thermochemical evolution of the Earth
- Heat flow and groundwater modelling
I am passionate about open source software 🙌 Check out my repositories below where source code is available with examples of how to reproduce peer-reviewed benchmarks and published results. You will also find code snippets that I have found useful - and maybe you will too! 👍