passivenat is a tool, written in python to attach to a network interface for device fingerprinting. This can be useful in learning about a network topology passively without generating any packets. Uses the good old p0f program and has been tested and scales onto a good size network... However, the big-data-net-analytics can take care of fingerprinting on large networks although its not in real time.
*must be super user for live devices
sudo -i
install deps
sudo apt-get install mongodb
sudo apt-get install pcaplib-dev
Create a folder to use as a mount point for your RAM disk.
mkdir /mnt/tmpfs
Then use the mount command to create a RAM disk.
mount -t [TYPE] -o size=[SIZE] [FSTYPE] [MOUNTPOINT]
Substitute the following attirbutes for your own values:
[TYPE] is the type of RAM disk to use; either tmpfs or ramfs. [SIZE] is the size to use for the file system. Remember that ramfs does not have a physical limit and is specified as a starting size. We have lots of traffic so we are setting to 16GB [FSTYPE] is the type of RAM disk to use; either tmpfs, ramfs, ext4, etc.
start mongod
mongod --smallfiles --nojournal --dbpath /mnt/tmpfs
make python virtual environment * important from root folder:
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv .
source ./bin/activate
install reqs
pip install -r requirements.txt
set options and run
# parsing command line options and setting defaults
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-i", "--interface", dest="interface", default="eno2",
help="device to attach for listening")
parser.add_option("-p", "--pcap", dest="pcap", default=None,
help="use pcap file")
parser.add_option("-f", "--filter", dest="filter", default=" ",
help="use pcap file")
parser.add_option("-d", "--dir", dest="logdir", default=default=log_dir",
help="use pcap file")
parser.add_option("-u", "--uniqueid", dest="uniqueid", default=log_id,
help="custom data identifier")
parser.add_option("-c", "--cleanup", dest="cleanup", default=True,
help="custom data identifier")
parser.add_option("-m", "--minutes", dest="uniqueid", default=10,
python -i etho -f {ipaddressToFilter} --u {someuniqueidforthedata} -m {minutestocollectdata}