2D Fourier Transform of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging raw data, 3D visualization with VTK
Description on https://compphys.go.ro/nuclear-magnetic-resonance-and-fourier-transform/
Basically this is a quickly implemented project to test some wrapper classes for FFTW library: http://www.fftw.org/ Obviously, the project needs the FFTW library. A later addition was the 3D visualization, using VTK: https://vtk.org/
It's a 2D Fourier Transform of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging raw data. It displays both the raw data and the image, allows cutting out low and high frequency information. It also has a 3D view implemented with VTK.
It needs the Head2D.dat raw data file one can find here: http://download.nvidia.com/developer/GPU_Gems_2/CD/Index.html in the source tree from Chap. 48, Medical Image Reconstruction with the FFT. By the way, here is the chapter, in case somebody wants to look over it: https://developer.nvidia.com/gpugems/GPUGems2/gpugems2_chapter48.html