👋 My name is Annie Britton and I'm an environmental scientist passionate about digging into Earth science data to provide actionable information about our planet.
😄 Pronouns: She/Her
- Python (pandas, NumPy, geopandas, GDAL, xarray, netCDF4, rioxarray, rasterstats, Rasterio, Google Earth Engine API, scikit-learn, Matplotlib, seaborn)
- R (tidyverse [tidyr, dplyr, tibble, purr, stringr, forcats, ggplot2], lubridate, rgdal, raster)
- SQL (primarily BigQuery)
- JavaScript
🛰️ M.S. Thesis - An Interpretable Machine Learning Model to Explore Relationships between Drought Indices and Ecological Drought Impacts in the Cheyenne River Basin, USA. Awarded Outstanding Capstone Thesis for the 2023 Graduating Class from the Johns Hopkins Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy
🌵 Presenter for NASA Earth Science Applications Week 2022 @ NASA HQ and Poster Presenter at AGU's 2022 Fall Meeting - Evaluating Rock Pool Hydroperiod Fluctuation using Climate Variables to Inform Habitat Monitoring and Protection in the Western Sonoran Desert
🍃 Produced the first publicly available research quantifying Flagstaff, Arizona’s 2021 juniper die-off event using ML and aerial imagery