These are some survival analysis functions that I was hoping to find in Julia and never did. Interface with StatsModels is developing. I needed a module that did these things.
This module handles:
- Cox proportional hazards model with Efron's method or Breslow's method for ties
- Parametric accelerated failure time (AFT) models
- Non-parametric survival function estimation via Kaplan-Meier
- Non-parametric survival function estimation under competing risks via Aalen-Johansen estimator
- Late entry/left trunctation and right censoring (all estimators)
- Baseline hazard estimator from a Cox model
- Cumulative incidence estimation from a set of Cox models
- Cox model residuals (Martingale, score, Schoenfeld, dfbeta)
- Robust variance estimation
- Bootstrap and jackknife methods for Cox models and AFT models
- Plot recipes for diagnostics and visualizations
Add this package via Julia's package manager:
or directly in Julia
using Pkg; Pkg.add(url="")
using Random, LSurvival, Distributions, LinearAlgebra
# generate some data
expit(mu) = inv(1.0 + exp(-mu))
function int_nc(v, l, a)
expit(-1.0 + 3 * v + 2 * l)
function int_0(v, l, a)
function lprob(v, l, a)
expit(-3 + 2 * v + 0 * l + 0 * a)
function yprob(v, l, a)
expit(-3 + 2 * v + 0 * l + 2 * a)
function dgm(rng, n, maxT; regimefun = int_0)
V = rand(rng, n)
LAY = Array{Float64,2}(undef, n * maxT, 4)
keep = ones(Bool, n * maxT)
id = sort(reduce(vcat, fill(collect(1:n), maxT)))
time = (reduce(vcat, fill(collect(1:maxT), n)))
for i = 1:n
v = V[i]
l = 0
a = 0
lkeep = true
for t = 1:maxT
currIDX = (i - 1) * maxT + t
l = lprob(v, l, a) > rand(rng) ? 1 : 0
a = regimefun(v, l, a) > rand(rng) ? 1 : 0
y = yprob(v, l, a) > rand(rng) ? 1 : 0
LAY[currIDX, :] .= [v, l, a, y]
keep[currIDX] = lkeep
lkeep = (!lkeep || (y == 1)) ? false : true
id[findall(keep)], time[findall(keep)] .- 1, time[findall(keep)], LAY[findall(keep), :]
id, int, outt, data = dgm(MersenneTwister(), 1000, 10; regimefun = int_0)
data[:, 1] = round.(data[:, 1], digits = 3)
d, X = data[:, 4], data[:, 1:3]
wt = rand(length(d))
# Cox model
m = fit(PHModel, X, int, outt, d, ties = "breslow", wts = wt)
m2 = fit(PHModel, X, int, outt, d, ties = "efron", wts = wt)
m2b = coxph(X, int, outt, d, ties = "efron", wts = wt)
# using the formula interface
tab = (
entertime = int,
exittime = outt,
death = data[:, 4] .== 1,
x = data[:, 1],
z1 = data[:, 2],
z2 = data[:, 3],
m2c = coxph(@formula(Surv(entertime, exittime, death) ~ x + z1 + z2), tab, wts = wt)
m2d = fit(PHModel, @formula(Surv(entertime, exittime, death) ~ x + z1 + z2), tab, wts = wt)
res = kaplan_meier(int, outt, d)
confint(res, method="lognlog")
function dgm_comprisk(; n = 100, rng = MersenneTwister())
z = rand(rng, n) .* 5
x = rand(rng, n) .* 5
dt1 = Weibull.(fill(0.75, n), inv.(exp.(-x .- z)))
dt2 = Weibull.(fill(0.75, n), inv.(exp.(-x .- z)))
t01 = rand.(rng, dt1)
t02 = rand.(rng, dt2)
t0 = min.(t01, t02)
t = Array{Float64,1}(undef, n)
for i = 1:n
t[i] = t0[i] > 1.0 ? 1.0 : t0[i]
d = (t .== t0)
event = (t .== t01) .+ 2.0 .* (t .== t02)
wtu = rand(rng, n) .* 5.0
wt = wtu ./ mean(wtu)
reshape(round.(z, digits = 4), (n, 1)),
reshape(round.(x, digits = 4), (n, 1)),
round.(t, digits = 4),
round.(wt, digits = 4)
z, x, t, d, event, wt = dgm_comprisk(; n = 100, rng = MersenneTwister())
X = hcat(x, z)
enter = t .* rand(100) * 0.02 # create some fake entry times
res = aalen_johansen(enter, t, event; wts = wt)
fit1 = fit(PHModel, X, enter, t, (event .== 1), ties = "breslow", wts = wt)
fit2 = fit(PHModel, X, enter, t, (event .== 2), ties = "breslow", wts = wt)
risk_from_coxphmodels([fit1, fit2])
# this approach operates on left censored outcomes (which operate in the background in model fitting)
LSurvivalResp(enter, t, d)
LSurvivalCompResp(enter, t, event)
# can use the ID type to refer to units with multiple observations
id, int, outt, data = dgm(MersenneTwister(), 1000, 10; regimefun = int_0)
LSurvivalResp(int, outt, data[:, 4], ID.(id))
More documentation can be found here: stable version, developmental version
Where possible, results from this package have been validated by comparing results with the survival
package in R
, by Terry Therneau. Validation, in this case, requires some choices that may result in differences from the PHREG
procedure in SAS
or other software packages for Cox models due to differing approaches to, for example, weighting in the case of ties or the calculation of Martingale residuals under Efron's partial likelihood. See the survival
package vignette for some details that form the basis of module testing against answers that can be confirmed via laborious hand calculations.