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A genieacs api helper class for php


Open service.php and edit const URL = 'http://__SOMETHING__:7557'; line to your api endpoint. Yes thats the config


  • getAllDevices(): Returns all device records as array.
  • getDeviceById(string $device_uuid): Returns specific device by given id. Usually its a UUIDv4
  • getDevicesByQuery(array $query): Returns devices that matches the query array eg $query = ['id' => 'caf73be0-ee11-40dd-92aa-f6f2e3d387a1']
  • getDevicesByTags(array $tags): Returns all devices that matches the given tags array.
  • deleteDevice(string $device_uuid): Simply deletes the specified device.
  • addTag(string $device_uuid, string $tag): Adds a tag to the device.
  • removeTag(string $device_uuid, string $tag): Removes the tag from device.
  • getFiles(): Returns uploaded firmware files as array.
  • uploadFile(string $local_path, string $filename): Uploads the given $local_path file to the server.
    • $local_path`: Local fullpath of the target file
    • $filename`: Name of the file in the server.
  • deleteFile(string $filename): Deletes the file from server.
  • faults(string $device_uuid): Returns faults records for a specific device.
  • getParameterValues(string $parameters, string $device_uuid): Returns specified paramters from the specified device. Possible parameters are located at ./parameters.php
  • setParameterValues(string $parameters, string $device_uuid): Changes given devices parameter. $paramters should be key value pair.
  • refreshObject(string $parameters, string $device_uuid): Reloads the value of the given parameter from actual device.
  • refreshAllObjects(string $device_uuid): Reloads all values of the given device.
  • reboot(string $device_uuid): Reboots the device.
  • factoryReset(string $device_uuid): Makes a factory reset request to device.
  • pendingTasks(string $device_uuid): Get awaiting tasks of the device.
  • getParameters(array|string $parameters, string $device_uuid): Get specified parameters of the device.
  • getTasks(string $device_uuid): Get all tasks of the device.
  • dispatchAction(string $op, string $device_uuid): Dispatch an action on the device. $op must be reset, reboot, delete or refresh.
  • deleteTask(string $device_uuid, string $task_id): Delete the given task. No matter what would be the outcome of this ruthless action.

𝒯𝒽𝒶𝓉'𝒶 𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝒻𝑜𝓁𝓀𝓈...