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Fundamentals of Data Science with MATLAB

Fundamentals of Data Science with MATLAB: Introduction to Scientific Computing, Data Analysis, and Data Visualization


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In this book, readers learn about:

  • Programming with the MATLAB language
  • Data science, analysis, and visualization with the MATLAB language
  • MATLAB arrays• MATLAB statistical functions
  • MATLAB tables• Time-series in MATLAB
  • Data visualization with MATLAB
  • Interpolation, curve fitting, root finding, and numerical integration
  • Signal processing and digital filtering
  • Reading and writing data files


Chapter 1 Set Up MATLAB 1
1.1 Introduction to MATLAB Language 2
1.2 Install MATLAB 2
1.3 MATLAB Desktop 3
1.4 MATLAB Toolboxes and Packages 3
1.5 Run MATLAB Script 4
Chapter 2 Introduction to MATLAB Programming 7
2.1 MATLAB Syntax Style 8
2.2 MATLAB Built-in Functions, Add-on Toolboxes, and Third-Party Packages 10
2.3 Mathematical Operators 11
2.4 Comparison Operators 13
2.5 Logical Operators 14
2.6 Integer and Floating Point 15
2.7 Complex Numbers 16
2.8 Strings 18
2.9 Vector Creation 27
2.10 The if Statement 29
2.11 The for Statement 35
2.12 The while Statement 39
2.13 Define a Function 41
2.14 The varargin 48
2.15 Define Anonymous Function 50
2.16 Name-Value Pair Arguments 52
2.17 Tilde ( ~ ) 52
2.18 Working with File and Directory 53
Chapter 3 Introduction to MATLAB Array 55
3.1 MATLAB Arrays 56
3.2 Vector, Matrix, and Array 57
3.3 Vector 58
3.4 Matrix 59
3.5 Multi-Dimensional Array 61
3.6 Array Data Type 61
3.7 Array Dimension 63
3.8 Array Indexing 65
3.9 Array Slicing 67
3.10 Indexing by Index Array 72
3.11 Logical Indexing 74
3.12 Change Element Contents in Array 77
3.13 Cell Array 78
3.14 Structure Array 80
Chapter 4 Working with MATLAB Array 85
4.1 Copy Array 86
4.2 Append, Insert, and Delete Array Elements 86
4.3 Obtain Array Shape and Size 89
4.4 Reshape Array 94
4.5 Flip Array 96
4.6 Concatenate Arrays 98
4.7 Array Initialization 102
4.8 Element-Wise Operation and Comparison 105
4.9 Find Indexes 106
4.10 NaN and Inf 109
4.11 Generate Sequence of Numbers 110
Chapter 5 Basic Statistics 115
5.1 Array Dimension 116
5.2 Statistical Functions 116
5.3 Sum and Mean of Array 117
5.4 Minimum and Maximum of Array 119
5.5 Sort Array 122
5.6 Random Number 124
5.7 Generate Reproducible Random Number 127
5.8 Histogram and Probability Density Function of Dataset 128
Chapter 6 Introduction to MATLAB Table 133
6.1 Table 134
6.2 Create Table 134
6.3 Table Properties and Functions 137
6.4 Table Indexing and Slicing 139
6.5 Change Item Contents in Tables 143
Chapter 7 Working with Table 147
7.1 Functions and Properties 148
7.2 Append, Insert, and Delete Single Row or Single Column 148
7.3 Append, Insert, and Delete Multiple Rows or Multiple Columns 153
7.4 Concatenate Tables 157
7.5 Merge and Join Tables 161
7.6 Rearrange Columns 167
7.7 Arithmetic and Element-Wise Operation 169
7.8 Apply Function 170
7.9 Group Data 172
7.10 Clean and Fill Missing Data 181
7.11 Rolling Window 186
Chapter 8 Date, Time, and Time-Series 193
8.1 Date and Time in MATLAB 194
8.2 Generate Time-Series with MATLAB 199
8.3 Generate Time-Table 201
8.4 Time-Table Indexing and Slicing 206
8.5 Shift Data in Time-Table 210
8.6 Clean and Fill Missing Data in Time-Table 212
8.7 Resampling Time-Table 216
Chapter 9 Introduction to Data Visualization with MATLAB 225
9.1 MATLAB Plots 226
9.2 Line Plot 227
9.3 Set Color 231
9.4 Set Line Style and Line Width 234
9.5 Add Marker 236
9.6 Add Labels 239
9.7 Set Axis Limits and Ticks 240
9.8 Add Grid Lines 243
9.9 Add Text and Annotation 244
9.10 Add Mathematical Text 247
9.11 Plot Multiple Lines and Add Legend 250
9.12 Create Multiple Figures 254
9.13 The get and set Functions 255
9.14 Remove White Space around Axes 261
9.15 Explore Plot Interactively 262
Chapter 10 Advanced Data Visualization with MATLAB 263
10.1 Colormaps 264
10.2 Extract Colors from Colormap 266
10.3 Create Colormap 267
10.4 Scatter Plot 268
10.5 Contour and Image Plot 272
10.6 Bar Plot 275
10.7 Histogram Plot 276
10.8 Axes 279
10.9 Create Subplots 282
10.10 Create Unequal Subplots 286
10.11 Procedural and Object-Oriented Plotting 289
10.12 Time-Series Plot 292
10.13 The 3-Dimensional Plot 295
10.14 Map Plot 297
Chapter 11 Interpolation, Curve Fitting, Root Finding, and Numerical Integration with MATLAB 305
11.1 Generate 1-Dimensional Grid Coordinates 306
11.2 Generate 2-Dimensional Grid Coordinates 307
11.3 The 1-Dimensional Interpolation 309
11.4 The 2-Dimensional Interpolation 311
11.5 Curve Fitting 316
11.6 Curve Fitting by Optimization 319
11.7 Root Finding 321
11.8 Solve System of Linear Equations 324
11.9 Numerical Integration 325
Chapter 12 Introduction to Signal Processing 327
12.1 Wave Function 328
12.2 Sampling Frequency 329
12.3 Control Data Quality 332
12.4 Detrend Data 335
12.5 Time and Frequency Domains 337
12.6 Fourier Analysis 339
12.7 Fast Fourier Transform 340
12.8 Frequency Ordering of Fast Fourier Transform 341
12.9 Double-Sided FFT and Single-Sided FFT 344
12.10 Wave Amplitudes from FFT 347
12.11 Estimate Power Spectral Density from FFT 350
12.12 Estimate Power Spectral Density from Periodogram and Welch Method 354
Chapter 13 Basics of Window Function and Digital Filter 359
13.1 Convolution 360
13.2 Window Function 360
13.3 Digital Filter 364
13.4 Digital Filter Band-Forms 367
13.5 Basic Low-Pass FIR Filter 368
13.6 Basic High-Pass, Band-Pass and Band-Stop FIR Filters 372
13.7 Design Basic FIR Filters with MATLAB 374
13.8 Smooth Data by Moving Average 377
13.9 Smooth Data by Savitzky-Golay Filter 382
13.10 Smooth Data by Butterworth Filter 384
13.11 Filter Out Frequency Range from Data 386
Chapter 14 Read and Write Data Files 393
14.1 Read Text and ASCII Files with fopen 394
14.2 Read CSV Files 397
14.3 Read Text, ASCII, and CSV Files as Array 398
14.4 Read Text, ASCII, and CSV Files as Table 399
14.5 Save and Load Data Files 400

References 403

Index 405


CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License

Fundamentals of Data Science with MATLAB: Introduction to Scientific Computing, Data Analysis, and Data Visualization

Copyright (c) 2022 Arash Karimpour

All rights reserved

Fundamentals of Data Science with MATLAB: Introduction to Scientific Computing, Data Analysis, and Data Visualization © 2020 by Arash Karimpour is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (


Introduction to Scientific Computing, Data Analysis, and Data Visualization







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