Assessment Four – Data Analysis – Implement Aim The goal of this assignment is to review and implement your plan from Assessment Three using the programming skills you have learned in this subject. This assignment builds on Assessment Four, and together they should be seen as a single assignment covering the entire software development process from the initial requirements to the implementation.
Task You are to review your plan from Assessment Three and read through the feedback provided by your tutor. You need to adjust you plan accordingly and then implement the solution in Python 3 (any submission in Python 2 or any other language is unacceptable)
Detailed Instructions These are the same instructions as for Assessment Three, with minor clarifications on implementation We have been asked to create a program that will allow users to load sets of data from CSV files and then view, manipulate and perform simple statistical analysis on the data. When the program is loaded the user will see the following menu: Welcome to The Smart Statistician! Please choose from the following options: 1 – Load data from a file 2 – Display the data to the screen 3 – Rename a set 4 – Sort a set 5 – Analyse a set 6 - Quit Option 6 will exit the program, every other option will do some task and then display the menu again until the user chooses 6 at this menu. If the user enters anything other than a value between 1 and 6 an error message is to be displayed.
Assessment Five – Advanced Data Analysis Aim The goal of this assignment is to build on the programming skills you have learned in this subject. This assignment focusses on more advanced data analysis and visualisations, and some aspects will require you to independently learn more about the libraries introduced in the course. This assignment will require the use of the pandas library specifically, and will ensure you are able to use some key elements of that library.
Task You are to read through the task description below and plan and implement a solution in Python 3 (any submission in Python 2 or any other language is unacceptable). You are required to submit an IPO chart for each function (see Assessment One for examples) but you do not need to provide detailed pseudocode or flowcharts for this assignment.
Detailed Instructions We have been asked to create a program that will allow users to load sets of data from CSV files and then view, manipulate and perform simple statistical analysis on the data. When the program is loaded the user will see the following menu: Welcome to The DataFrame Statistician! Please choose from the following options: 1 – Load from a CSV file 2 – Analyse 3 – Visualise 4 - Quit Option 6 will exit the program, every other option will do some task and then display the menu again until the user chooses 6 at this menu. If the user enters anything other than a value between 1 and 6 an error message is to be displayed. This program will begin with an empty DataFrame in memory, and then perform a series of operations on this data.