Blogify is a simple service-based application developed with ASP.NET Core Web API & Angular.
First, you should create database. For this , you must be located in the server directory.
Open Terminal and write this:
cd src/server
After you need write this line:
dotnet ef migrations add Initialize
Then you should write:
dotnet ef database update
Now, your database created in server folder. Some seed data creating when database creating.
When you create database, you can be located the client folder. Open another terminal and write this:
cd src/client
Before run client app you need install npm packages. Write this:
npm install
And you can start client app:
ng serve --open
You need run client and server apps same times. For this open different terminals. You can use first terminal for run client app and you can use second terminal for run server app.
For support, email [email protected]