✂️ Cut the string with blank and line break.
before 👇
after 👇
e36b c283 b3ae 643d 85ba 28ae 12d0 9f61
b48d d3e9 f7f8 16ad 692d 60de 96d0 df59
dbc3 ace2 3348 ab1a 6a1d cd0e 9840 b733
What a boring and useless package!
Let us invite the barber!
$ pip install barber
Or invite a new barber >_
$ pip install --upgrade barber
>>> from barber import barber
>>> str = "e36bc283b3ae643d85ba28ae12d09f61b48dd3e9f7f816ad692d60de96d0df59dbc3ace23348ab1a6a1dcd0e9840b733"
>>> barber.cut(str)
'e36b c283 b3ae 643d 85ba 28ae 12d0 9f61\nb48d d3e9 f7f8 16ad 692d 60de 96d0 df59\ndbc3 ace2 3348 ab1a 6a1d cd0e 9840 b733'
cut(str, length, group, style)
str is the string waiting for the haircut.
length is how many chars to cut once.
- default is 4
group is how many group to line break.
- default is 8
style is the symbol of the interval between each group
- default is blank
>>> barber.cut(str, 3, 10, "%")
It will be like this:
The specific method of "cutting hair" is taught by hongzicong.
Barber is a item in the Useless Project.