Set of scripts to automate CPU monitoring and time series storage while running workloads. Options:
Update Git Submodules to get the necessary tools under the ./tool directory:
git submodule update --init --recursive
Then you can CPUPowerWatcher using
~$ ./ --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
-v, --os-virt Technology for OS-level virtualization. [Default]
-i, --influxdb-host InfluxDB host to send metrics. [Default:]
-b, --influxdb-bucket InfluxDB bucket to store metrics. [Default: public]
-s, --single-core Single core mode. Stress only one core (physical and logical) incrementally. This mode only
supports stress-system as workload and apptainer as OS-level virtualization technology.
-w, --workload Workload to stress the system with. [Default: stress-system]
npb Run NPB kenerls.
sysbench Run Sysbench kernels.
geekbench Run Geekbench kenerls.
fio Run fio to make random reads/writes over specified target with
different numbers of threads.
--fio-target Directory to make random reads/writes. [Default: /tmp/fio]
spark Run Spark-based DNA error correction algorithm (SMusket) using
Spark Standalone.
--spark-data-dir Directory to store Spark temporary files and Spark Smusket input.
Input must be a FASTQ file named "input.fastq".
stress-system Run stress tests using stress-system tool. Options:
--stressors Comma-separated list of stressors to run with stress-system.
[Default: cpu]
--stress-load-types Comma-separated list of types of load to stress the CPU.
Used together with CPU stressor. [Default: all]
--other-options Comma-separated list of other stress-ng options specified
in key=value format.
-o, --output <dir> Directory (absolute path) to store log files. [Default: ./log]
--base Get base measurements before stress tests to have idle consumption and overhead metrics.
--add-io-noise Run fio to make random reads/writes over specified target while running the specified
workload. Use --fio-target to specify target directory. This option is not compatible with
fio tests.
--custom-tests <file> Use custom tests file to create custom lists of cores to stress.
[Default: ./bin/test/]
-h, --help Show this help and exit