Ansible role which manage backups. Support file backups, postgresql, mysql, mongo db backups.
The role variables and default values.
backup_enabled: yes # Enable the role
backup_remove: no # Set yes for uninstall the role from target system
backup_cron: yes # Setup cron tasks for backup
backup_user: root # Run backups as user
backup_group: "{{backup_user}}"
backup_home: /etc/duply # Backup configuration directory
backup_work: /var/duply # Working directory
backup_duplicity_ppa: ppa:duplicity-team/ppa # Set empty for skipping PPA addition
backup_duplicity_pkg: duplicity
backup_duplicity_version: # Set duplicity version
# Logging
backup_logdir: /var/log/duply # Place where logs will be keepped
backup_logrotate: yes # Setup logs rotation
# Posgresql
backup_postgres_user: postgres
backup_postgres_host: ""
# Mysql
backup_mysql_user: mysql
backup_mysql_pass: ""
backup_profiles: [] # Setup backup profiles
# Ex. backup_profiles:
# - name: www # required param
# schedule: 0 0 * * 0 # if defined enabled cronjob
# source: /var/www
# max_age: 10D
# target: s3://my.bucket/www
# params:
# - "BEST_PASSWORD={{ best_password }}"
# exclude:
# - *.pyc
# - name: postgresql
# schedule: 0 4 * * *
# action: restore # Choose action: backup/restore (default is backup)
# source: postgresql://db_name
# target: s3://my.bucket/postgresql
# Default values (overide them in backup profiles bellow)
# =======================================================
# (every value can be replaced in jobs individually)
backup_gpg_key: disabled
backup_gpg_pw: ""
backup_gpg_opts: ''
# syntax is
# scheme://[user:password@]host[:port]/[/]path
# probably one out of
# file://[/absolute_]path
# ftp[s]://user[:password][:port]/some_dir
# hsi://user[:password]
# cf+http://container_name
# imap[s]://user[:password][/from_address_prefix]
# rsync://user[:password][:port]::/module/some_dir
# rsync://[email protected][:port]/relative_path
# rsync://[email protected][:port]//absolute_path
# # for the s3 user/password are AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID/AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
# s3://[user:password]@host/bucket_name[/prefix]
# s3+http://[user:password]@bucket_name[/prefix]
# ssh://user[:password][:port]/some_dir
# tahoe://alias/directory
# webdav[s]://user[:password]
backup_target: 'file:///var/backup'
# optionally the username/password can be defined as extra variables
# Time frame for old backups to keep, Used for the "purge" command.
# see duplicity man page, chapter TIME_FORMATS)
backup_max_age: 1M
# Number of full backups to keep. Used for the "purge-full" command.
# See duplicity man page, action "remove-all-but-n-full".
backup_max_full_backups: 1
# forces a full backup if last full backup reaches a specified age
backup_full_max_age: 1M
# set the size of backup chunks to VOLSIZE MB instead of the default 25MB.
backup_volsize: 50
# verbosity of output (error 0, warning 1-2, notice 3-4, info 5-8, debug 9)
backup_verbosity: 3
backup_exclude: [] # List of filemasks to exlude
Add Stouts.backup
to your roles and set variables in your playbook file.
- hosts: all
- Stouts.backup
backup_target_user: aws_access_key
backup_target_pass: aws_secret
# Backup file path
- name: uploads # Required params
schedule: 0 3 * * * # At 3am every day
source: /usr/lib/project/uploads
target: s3://{{inventory_hostname}}/uploads
# Backup postgresql database
- name: postgresql
schedule: 0 4 * * * # At 4am every day
source: postgresql://project # Backup prefixes: postgresql://, maysql://, mongo://
target: s3://{{inventory_hostname}}/postgresql
user: postgres
Run backup for profile uploads
$ duply uploads backup
Load backup for profile postgresql
from cloud and restore database (logged as postgres user)
$ duply postgresql restore
Also see duply usage
Licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
Are welcome!
If you wish to express your appreciation for the role, you are welcome to send a postcard to:
Kirill Klenov
pos. Severny 8-3
MO, Istra, 143500