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Focusing Deep Learning
Focusing Deep Learning
  • Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India

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Hi there 👋 I'm Samyak Kala

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My name is Samyak Kala, I am a A Machine Learning enthusiast, focusing on Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing (NLP).

  • 🔭 I’m currently working on Virtual Chatbot using and COVID-19 Analysis India vs The World.
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning Object Detection with Open CV and YOLO, NLP using Deep Learning in Python3 and GAN(Generative Adversarial Networks) etc.

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💻 Recent projects in which I have contributed in my gituhb

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  1. Wind-Energy-Analysis-and-Forecast-using-Deep-Learning-LSTM Wind-Energy-Analysis-and-Forecast-using-Deep-Learning-LSTM Public

    A Deep Learning model that predict forecast the power generated by wind turbine in a Wind Energy Power Plant using LSTM (Long Short Term Memory) i.e modified recurrent neural network.

    Jupyter Notebook 65 16

  2. COVID-19-India-Vs-The-World COVID-19-India-Vs-The-World Public

    Detailed COVID-19 Analysis and Visualization of Impact of Corona virus in India w.r.t The World

    Jupyter Notebook 1

  3. Book-Data-Scraprer Book-Data-Scraprer Public

    Extracting data form

    Python 1

  4. Movie-Recommender-pro Movie-Recommender-pro Public

    It's a python project that suggest movies based on your present emotion/mood.

    JavaScript 8 4

  5. NLP-Spam-Ham-Classifier NLP-Spam-Ham-Classifier Public

    A Machine learning classifier to predict whether the SMS is Spam or Ham by using Natural Language Processing(NLP)

    Jupyter Notebook 6 4

  6. Regression-Model-Predicting-Price-Of-Pre-Owned-Cars Regression-Model-Predicting-Price-Of-Pre-Owned-Cars Public

    A Machine Learning Model that predicts price of pre-owned cars using Linear Regression and Random Forrest Regressor.

    Jupyter Notebook 2