Project for 3DV 2021 Spring @ ETH Zurich [Report Link]
This repo contains a full pipeline to support 3D position tracking of soccer players, with multi-view calibrated moving/fixed video sequences as inputs.
- In single-camera tracking stage, Tracktor++ is used to get 2D positions.
- In multi-camera tracking stage, 2D positions are projected into 3D positions. Then across-camera association is achieved as an optimization problem with spatial, temporal and visual constraints.
- In the end, visualization in 2D, 3D and a voronoi visualization for sports coaching purpose are provided.
3D Tracking | Sports Coaching |
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Check demo scripts as examples
Currently, processed data is under protection due to legal issues.
- Run the demo visualization on the moving cameras
bash script/
- Run the demo visualization on the fixed cameras
bash script/
- Split video into image frames
python src/utils/ --pathIn=data/0125-0135/CAM1/CAM1.mp4 --pathOut=data/0125-0135/CAM1/img --splitnum=1
- Estimate football pitch homography (size 120m * 90m ref)
python src/utils/ --img=data/0125-0135/RIGHT/img/image0000.jpg --out_dir=data/0125-0135/RIGHT/
- Handle moving cameras
python src/utils/ --calib_file=data/calibration_results/0125-0135/CAM1/calib.txt --img_dir=data/0125-0135/CAM1/img --output_dir=data/0125-0135/CAM1/img_static
- Convert ground truth/annotation json to text file
python src/utils/ --jsonfile=data/0125-0135/0125-0135.json
- Object Detector: frcnn_fpn
Train object detector and generate detection results with this Google Colab notebook. [pretrained model] - Run Tracktor++
Put trainded object detectormodel_epoch_50.model
Put data and calibration results intosrc/tracking_wo_bnw/
cd src/tracking_wo_bnw
python experiments/scripts/
- Run ReID(team id) model
python src/team_classification/ PATH_TO_TRACKING_RESULT PATH_TO_IMAGES
- Convert tracking results to coordinates on the pitch
Equation to find the intersection of a line with a plane (ref)
python src/ --calib_path=PATH_TO_CALIB --res_path=PATH_TO_TRACKING_RESULT --xymode --reid
# also plot the camera positions for fixed cameras
python src/ --calib_path=PATH_TO_CALIB --res_path=PATH_TO_TRACKING_RESULT --viz
- Run two-cam tracker
python src/
# add team id constraint
python src/ --doreid
- Run multi-cam tracker (e.g. 8 cams)
python src/ --doreid
- Produce quatitative results (visualize results)
visualize 2d bounding box
# if format <x, y, w, h>
python src/utils/ --img_dir=data/0125-0135/RIGHT/img --result_file=output/tracktor/16m_right_prediction.txt
# if format <x1, y1, x2, y2>
python src/utils/ --img_dir=data/0125-0135/RIGHT/img --result_file=output/iou/16m_right.txt --xymode
# if with team id
python src/utils/ --img_dir=data/0125-0135/RIGHT/img --result_file=output/tracktor/16m_right_prediction.txt --reid
# if 3d mode
python src/utils/ --img_dir=data/0125-0135/RIGHT/img --result_file=output/tracktor/RIGHT.txt --calib_file=data/calibration_results/0125-0135/RIGHT/calib.txt --pitchmode
visualize 3d tracking result with ground truth and voronoi diagram
python src/utils/ --result_file=PATH_TO_TRACKING_RESULT --ground_truth=PATH_TO_GROUND_TRUTH
visualize 3d ground truth on camera frames (reprojection)
python src/utils/visualize_tracab --img_path=PATH_TO_IMAGES --calib_path=PATH_TO_CALIB --gt_path=PATH_TO_TRACAB_GT --output_path=PATH_TO_OUTPUT_VIDEO
- Produce quantitative result
# 2d <frame id, objid, x, y, w, h, .., ...>
python src/motmetrics/apps/ data/0125-0135/ output/tracktor_filtered
# 3d
python src/utils/ --pred=output/pitch/EPTS_3_pitch.txt_EPTS_4_pitch.txt.txt --fixcam --gt=data/fixedcam/gt_pitch_550.txt
python src/utils/ --fixcam --boxplot
We would like to thank the following Github repos or softwares:
Yuchang Jiang, Tianyu Wu, Ying Jiao, Yelan Tao