Virtual reality basestation power management in Rust
Usage: lighthouse [OPTIONS] --state <STATE>
-s, --state <STATE> V1: [OFF|ON] | V2: [OFF|ON|STANDBY]
-b, --bsid <BSID> V1: Basestation BSID (Required) | V2: Bluetooth Device Identifier (Optional)
-v, --verbose... Increase logging verbosity
-q, --quiet... Decrease logging verbosity
-t, --timeout <TIMEOUT> Request timeout in seconds [default: 10]
-h, --help Print help
V1 Basestations require an 8 character BSID found on the device to work.
V2 Basestations do not require BSID. But you can specify their MAC address as BSID to manage a specific device.
Turning a V1 lighthouse on:
Find the BSID at the back of the device.
$ lighthouse --state on --bsid aabbccdd
Turning on any V2 lighthouses within range:
$ lighthouse --state on
Turning on a specific V2 lighthouse:
Run once with verbose parameters to find the MAC address for each lighthouse:
$ lighthouse -vv --state off
This will show the device path or MAC address within square brackets, looking something like this:
2025-02-28T22:14:58.528048Z INFO lighthouse: Found 'LHB-6DC32F38' [hci0/dev_E2_5A_B0_E4_97_AD]
2025-02-28T22:15:33.543205Z INFO lighthouse: LHB-6DC32F38 [hci0/dev_E2_5A_B0_E4_97_AD]: OFF
Use the ID shown in the square brackets in the previous command as the bsid to manage a specific lighthouse:
$ lighthouse --state on --bsid "hci0/dev_E2_5A_B0_E4_97_AD"
# or
$ lighthouse --state on --bsid "E2:5A:B0:E4:97:AD"
Enable the Bluetooth permission for your terminal. You can do the latter by going to System Preferences → Security & Privacy → Privacy → Bluetooth, clicking the '+' button, and selecting 'Terminal' (or iTerm or whichever terminal application you use).