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I am a research software engineering at UCL’s Centre for Advanced Research Computing. I graduated from the University of Delhi with a major in CS and Mathematics in 2024 (with a thesis titled “Computational upgrades to the high energy physics analysis pipeline for future LHC/HL-LHC runs”). My thesis was carried out at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN), under the Princeton Institute for Computational Science and Engineering (PICSciE) / Princeton Research Computing group.
My research interests lie in walking on a thin yet possible line between programming languages and high performance computing for computational science. I am extremely passionate about open-source and open-science, and I volunteer for a few open-source programs.
Better here.
The repositories I am (or I was once) involved with as a maintainer, core developer, core contributor, or was funded to work on.
pybamm-team/PyBaMM | conda-forge/pybamm-feedstock | scikit-hep/vector | conda-forge/vector-feedstock | glass-dev/glass | scikit-hep/awkward | scikit-hep/cuda-histogram | conda-forge/cuda_histogram-feedstock | CoffeaTeam/coffea | UCL/rsd-engineeringcourse | FluxML/Flux.jl | agda/agda-stdlib | pybamm-team/liionpack | pybamm-team/BattBot | smaranjitghose/DocLense | asmeurer/removestar | conda-forge/removestar-feedstock
Significant voluntary contributions or spin-off projects (was not directly funded to work on them but my work expanded and encompassed them).
FluxML ecosystem | Scikit-HEP ecosystem | PyBaMM ecosystem | luluxvi/DeepXDE | zarr-developers/zarr-python | scientific-python/cookie