- Windows 10
- Python3.5.2 / git / PYQT5 / OpenCV / pandas / numpy / PyMySQL
- TensorFlow 1.13.1/keras 2.2.4/Opencv 4.1.0/CUDA 10.1
First, you have to install cuda, cudnn and tensorflow, tutorial: https://medium.com/@zhanwenchen/install-cuda-and-cudnn-for-tensorflow-gpu-on-ubuntu-79306e4ac04e
$ sudo apt-get install git $ sudo apt-get install python3-pip $ pip3 install pyqt5 $ pip3 install pandas $ pip3 install PyMySQL $ pip3 install opencv-python $ pip3 install imutils $ pip3 install Pillow $ pip3 install piexif $ pip3 install -U scikit-learn $ pip3 install keras $ git clone https://nol.cs.nctu.edu.tw:234/open-source/TrackNetv2
You can predict coordinate of shuttlecock for a single video with:
python3 predict.py --video_name=<videoPath> --load_weights=<weightPath>
Just put the video path you want to predict on option <videoPath>
. We provide the pretrain model weights model_33
for 3_in_1_out version, and model906_30
for 3_in_3_out version.
After predict.py, you will have the predicted labeling csv file. You can apply show_trajectory.py to generate ball's trajectory video for fancy purpose.
python3 show_trajectory.py <input_video_path> <input_csv_path>
= 1_01_00.mp4<input_csv_path>
= 1_01_00_predict.csv
python3 show_trajectory.py 1_01_00.mp4 1_01_00_predict.csv
python3 Frame_Generator.py <videoPath> <outputFolder>
is the video path you want to train, and <outputFolder>
is the output directory you want to store the frames under.
= 1_01_00.mp4<outputFolder>
= frame
python3 Frame_Generator.py 1_01_00.mp4 frame
We will need .csv file generated by [our labeling tool].
python3 gen_data.py --batch=<batchSize> --label=<csvFile> --frameDir=<frameDirectory> --dataDir=<npyDataDirectory>
is the .csv file after apply Rearrange_Label.py at second step, <frameDirectory>
is the frame folder of the video at first step, and <npyDataDirectory>
is the output directory you want to store the training data under.
= 1000<csvFile>
= 1_01_00_ball.csv<frameDirectory>
= frame<npyDataDirectory>
= npy
python3 gen_data.py --batch=1000 --label=1_01_00_ball.csv --frameDir=frame --dataDir=npy
python3 train_TrackNet.py --save_weights=<weightPath> --dataDir=<npyDataDirectory> --epochs=<trainingEpochs> --tol=<toleranceValue>
is TrackNetV2 weight after this training, <npyDataDirectory>
is the directory of the .npy training data at third step, and <toleranceValue>
means tolerance value of true positive.
= mymodel<npyDataDirectory>
= npy<trainingEpochs>
= 30<toleranceValue>
= 4
python3 train_TrackNet.py --save_weights=mymodel --dataDir=npy --epochs=30 --tol=4
If you want to retrain the model, please add load_weights argument.
python3 train_TrackNet.py --load_weights=<previousWeightPath> --save_weights=<newWeightPath> --dataDir=<npyDataDirectory> --epochs=<trainingEpochs> --tol=<toleranceValue>
is the model weights you had trained before.
= mymodel<newWeightPath>
= mynewmodel<npyDataDirectory>
= npy<trainingEpochs>
= 10<toleranceValue>
= 4
python3 train_TrackNet.py --load_weights=mymodel --save_weights=mynewmodel --dataDir=npy --epochs=10 --tol=4
python3 accuracy.py --load_weights=<weightPath> --dataDir=<npyDataDirectory> --tol=<toleranceValue>
provide following version:
- Number of true positive
- Number of true negative
- Number of false positive
- Number of false negative
- Accuracy
- Precision
- Recall
means tolerance value of true positive. <npyDataDirectory>
is the directory of the .npy data you want to do accuracy measure.