Example Scripts and Data from tutorial sessions at TU Clausthal, showing the usage of polynomials to fit data points.
This demonstration is primarily focused on the usage of a machine that is using Windows as an OS.
For this example from the tutorial ANSYS 17.2 was used to calculate the lift and drag coefficients of a simplified EURODISC. To reduce the complexity the rotation of the disk was not modeled in the simulation and the calculation for the flight distance is also croase estimation.
- Additional information is given by the set of slides 04p2_UebungIWSW_ProfTutor
- Hint: use the desktop application Adobe Acrobat Reader to be able to utilize all functionalities provided by the slides
- An installation of Windows OS
- Windows 10 or greater
- An optional installation of Git
- An intallation of GNU Octave (recommended)
- Or an installation of Matlab
- Minimum available Disk space of 3 GB
This guide will show different ways that can be used to retrieve the necessary data from GitHub.
The utilization of Git is the most comfortable way to transfer the data of the repository to the recommended default location.
- On a system using Windows, the following expression can be used to clone the repository
- Command Line Shell (CMD)
git clone https://github.com/RobertLicht/Tutorium-Ultimate-Frisbee.git %PUBLIC%\Tutorium-Ultimate-Frisbee
- Git Bash Shell
git clone https://github.com/RobertLicht/Tutorium-Ultimate-Frisbee.git /c/Users/Public/Tutorium-Ultimate-Frisbee
- Command Line Shell (CMD)
As an alternative to Git, the data of the repository can be downloaded as an archive (ZIP) to the local machine of the user.
- Use the URL to download the repository:
- Extract the downloaded archive into the recommended default location:
- Windows
- Linux
- Windows
This repository contains two relevant files, which can be executed directly.
- Navigate to the respective file and run it in GNU Octave or Matlab
This file shows some basic functionalities and will prompt the user to enter numeric values in the command line.
This file will prompt the user to get the relevant data or inputs to continue with its calculations:
Select a file, which contains the relevant values for the lift and drag coefficients of a simplified EURODISC
- In this examle navigate and select the file UltimateDisc.xlsx
Select a worksheet from the Workbook UltimateDisc
Enter the degree of the polynomial to fit the data points of the lift and drag coefficients
- In this example a 6th degree polynomial has to be used
Enter an ejection speed, that corresponds to the prior selected worksheet
Enter a throwing angle from the range of allowed values
In one of the last steps a croase flight simulation of the disc will be shown, followed by a figure showing information regarding the speed and height