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Quick reference

  1. To enter Command mode, press escape
  2. To enter Insert mode a, p, or c to insert at the end or beginning of the selection, or delete the current selection and insert in its place
  3. Press , , , or u, e, n, i to move to the neighbouring text object (e.g. line, word, inter-word or block)

See more commands below in Default keybindings.


CodeFlea is a language-agnostic extension for VS Code that gives you commands to easily and intuitively move the cursor/selection and make edits within a code file, without using the mouse. It takes inspiration from editors such as Vim and Helix, but it works quite differently and is not an emulator of either editor.

Why is this extension necessary?

VS Code has excellent code navigation abilities for jumping to a particular file or member, but it doesn't really have much functionality for moving around within a file; especially in more niche languages that don't have a lot of editor support, such as V, F# or Haskell.

CodeFlea addresses this by giving simple, intuitive commands for moving the cursor around in a way that's applicable to any language, even written prose or Markdown! It accomplishes this by identifying and manipulating text objects such as words, lines and blocks in the file based on usage of indentation, whitespace and operators.

Basic operation

CodeFlea is a modal extension (such as Vim or Helix), meaning that pressing a key will not enter text unless the editor is in Insert mode.

There are three modes in CodeFlea:

  • Command mode: the default mode. In this mode, the editor is in a state where it is ready to accept commands to move the cursor around.
  • Insert mode: in this mode the editor will accept text input and keyboard shortcuts as normal for VS Code.
  • Extend mode: this is the same as Command mode, except that each selection will be extended when a movement is made.

Changing modes

The default mode when opening a new file is Command mode. See the section on keyboard shortcuts for how to enter Insert mode.

To return to Command mode, press , then . in (very) quick succession.

Subjects and objects

CodeFlea operates on the basis of text objects, based on the currently selected subject.

The difference between a subject and an object is similar to the difference between a class and an object in object-oriented programming. A subject is a type of object, and an object is an instance of a subject. For example, when the selected subject is word, the objects are all the individual words in the file.

The available subjects are:

Commands are available to:

  • move the selection to neighbouring objects
  • extend the selection to neighbouring objects
  • swap neighbouring objects
  • skip for a particular object based on its first character
  • jump to any visible object

The editor will draw a border around the current selection(s) with a colour that corresponds to the current subject.

Subject Colour Border
Line #8feb34 Solid
Word #964d4d Solid
Inter #964d4d Dotted
Subword #9900ff Solid
Block #aba246 Solid

Subjects in depth


Perhaps the simplest text subject to understand is a line. A line is defined as a sequence of characters that ends with a newline sequence.


The definition of a word in CodeFlea is left up to VS Code. This means that the definition of a word is potentially influenced by the language mode of the file.


An inter-word is the sequence of characters that separates two words. This includes whitespace, operators etc.


A subword is much like a word, but camel-case / snake-case words are split into their constituent parts. For example, the word camelCase would be split into camel and Case.


The beginning of a block of code is identified by comparing it to the previous line. A block start is defined as any of the following:

  • the first line of the file
  • a line more indented than the previous line
  • the first significant line after a stop-line†

† A "stop-line" is a line that does not contain any alphanumeric characters, such as a blank line or a brace on its own

Example 1: In the following example Typescript the beginning of each block has been illustrated.

    ┌─  export function* iterLines(
    ├───── document: vscode.TextDocument,
    │      currentLineNumber: number,
    │      direction: Direction,
    │      skipCurrent = true
    │      ) {
    ├───── const advance = fromDirection(direction);
    ├───── if (skipCurrent) currentLineNumber = advance(currentLineNumber);
    ├───── while (withinBounds()) {
    ├────────── yield document.lineAt(currentLineNumber);
    │           currentLineNumber = advance(currentLineNumber);
    │       }
    ├────── function withinBounds() {
    └────────── return currentLineNumber >= 0 && currentLineNumber < document.lineCount;

A block is defined as a sequence of lines that are either:

  • continuously joined to the block start (i.e. they are not separated by blank lines)
  • indented further the block start

Due to the fact that CodeFlea is entirely based on whitespace and operators it should just work in any programming language, whether it's Javascript, F#, Haskell, V, Python or others.

Example 2, Python:

┌── import unittest
├── def median(pool):
├────── copy = sorted(pool)
│       size = len(copy)
├────── if size % 2 == 1:
├────────── return copy[int((size - 1) / 2)]
├────── else:
├────────── return (copy[int(size/2 - 1)] + copy[int(size/2)]) / 2
├── class TestMedian(unittest.TestCase):
├────── def testMedian(self):
├────────── self.assertEqual(median([2, 9, 9, 7, 9, 2, 4, 5, 8]), 7)
├── if __name__ == '__main__':
└────── unittest.main()

Example 3, Haskell:

┌── tuple = (1, 2)
├── tuple3 = (1, 2, 3)
├── first (a, _, _) = a
│   second (_, b, _) = b
│   third (_, _, c) = c
├── main = do
├────── print tuple
│       print $ fst tuple
│       print $ snd tuple
└────── print tuple3
        print $ first tuple3
        print $ second tuple3
        print $ third tuple3



The basic movement commands are laid out on the QWERTY keyboard in the same way as a normal arrow cluster:

      ┌───┐                   ┌───┐
      │ I │                   │ ↑ │
      └───┘                   └───┘
┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐   =   ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐
│ J │ │ K │ │ L │       │ ← │ │ ↓ │ │ → │
└───┘ └───┘ └───┘       └───┘ └───┘ └───┘


By pressing s you will be prompted for the first character of the desired object. Once you have entered the first character, the selection will be moved to the first object that begins with that character. To skip backwards the process is the same; just press f instead.


Pressing t will open the jump interface, allowing you to jump to any visible object. The jump interface is similar to EasyMotion in Vim, where each visible object will be given a jump code, and pressing the given key in the jump code will move the selection to that text object.

Jumping to a line

Words work a little differently; due to the sheer number of words that will be visible at any one time in the editor, jumping to a word is a two-step process. First, you will be asked for the first character of the desired word, and only once that character is entered will you be shown the jump codes for all the words that begin with that character.

Jumping to a word



Press d to delete the current text object(s). This will remove the current selection(s) from the text document, as well as clean up any separating characters that are left behind.

Deleting a word

Moving / swapping

Text objects can be swapped with their neighbouring objects, meaning you can move text objects around without having to delete and re-insert them.

In the case of words, this allows you to reorder arguments to a function or items in a list, for example:

Swapping words

By first changing the subject to Block, we can reorder the methods of a class:

Swapping lines

Default keybindings

Changing modes

Default keybinding Command ID Description
a codeFlea.changeToInsertModeAppend Insert at the end of the current selection
p codeFlea.changeToInsertModePrepend Insert at the beginning of the current selection
, codeFlea.changeToInsertMode Insert at the current position, leaving the selection intact
/ codeFlea.changeToInsertModeMidPoint Insert at the midpoint of the current selection
/ codeFlea.changeToInsertModeSurround Insert at the midpoint of the current selection
c codeFlea.changeToInsertModeAppend Delete the current selection and insert in its place
Default keybinding Command ID Description
v codeFlea.changeToExtendMode Start or stop extend mode

Changing subjects

Default keybinding Name Description
w codeFlea.changeToWordSubject Change to word / inter-word subject†
q codeFlea.changeToSubwordSubject Change to subword subject
x codeFlea.changeToLineSubject Change to word subject
b codeFlea.changeToBlockSubject Change to word subject

† This key binding will change to word subject unless you're already in it, in which case it will cycle between inter-word and word.


Default keybinding Command ID Description
/ u codeFlea.nextSubjectUp Move to the next object above
/ e codeFlea.nextSubjectDown Move to the next object below
/ n codeFlea.nextSubjectLeft Move to the next object to the left
/ i codeFlea.nextSubjectRight Move to the next object to the right
; Go back
shift + ; Go Direction.forwards
s codeFlea.skip Forward skip of objects by their first character
f codeFlea.skipBackwards Backward skip of objects by their first character
t codeFlea.jump Jump to a particular object (see Jumping)
l codeFlea.goToFirstSubjectInScope Move to the first object in current scope
y codeFlea.goToLastSubjectInScope Move to the last object in current scope
j codeFlea.goToPrevOccurrence Move to the next occurrence of the current object
h codeFlea.goToNextOccurrence Move to the previous occurrence of the current object
' codeFlea.jump Begin a fleajump

Modifying selections

Default keybinding Command ID Description
shift + ↑ codeFlea.addSubjectUp Add the object above as a new selection
shift + ↓ codeFlea.addSubjectDown Add the object below as a new selection
shift + ← codeFlea.addSubjectLeft Add the object to the left as a new selection
shift + → codeFlea.addSubjectRight Add the object to the right as a new selection
z / shift + enter cursorUndo Undo the last movement / selection change
shift + z cursorRedo Redo the last movement / selection change
shift + j codeFlea.extendToPrevOccurrence Add the next occurrence of the current object as a new selection
shift + h codeFlea.extendToNextOccurrence Add the previous occurrence of the current object as a new selection


Default keybinding Command ID Description
d codeFlea.deleteSubject Delete the current object (also cleans up separating text)
shift + d codeFlea.duplicateSubject Duplicate the current object (also duplicates separating text)
; codeFlea.newLineBelow Open a new line below and change to Insert mode
shift + ; codeFlea.newLineAbove Open a new line above and change to Insert mode
m codeFlea.openModifyMenu Open the modify menu
*ctrl/alt + ↑ codeFlea.swapSubjectUp Move the current object up
*ctrl/alt + ↓ codeFlea.swapSubjectDown Move the current object down
*ctrl/alt + ← codeFlea.swapSubjectLeft Move the current object left
*ctrl/alt + → codeFlea.swapSubjectRight Move the current object right
enter codeFlea.repeatCommand Repeat the last movement / command

* ctrl on Mac, alt on Windows


Default keybinding Command ID Description
space codeFlea.openSpaceMenu Open the space menu
g codeFlea.openGoToMenu Open the go to menu

Tips and tricks

  • The split selection command is particularly useful for the inter-word subject
  • CodeFlea is compatible with the mouse. You can
    • click on a text object to select it
    • drag to select (as normal) which will change the editor to Insert mode
  • After conducting a quick skip, you can press enter to repeat the skip--moving the selection to the next skip result


If you'd like to contribute

Building and running

  • Run npm install in your terminal to install dependencies
  • In VS Code run the Run Extension target in the Debug View.


If you would like to make changes to the extension and then install install your dev version in your local VS Code instance, run vsce package in your terminal. This will create a .vsix file which you can install in VS Code.


A VS Code extension for intuitively moving the cursor around inside a file.








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