🔭 I’m currently working on flight controllers for rc aircraft, simple web apps, and my blog.
👨💻 Most of my projects are available on my github profile
📝 I ocassionally write articles on my blog.
❗ Be sure to check out my RCgroups account! There's lots of good information there.
💬 Ask me about anything that's in my repos or blog. I especially like model aircraft and unusual vehicles!
✈️ 🚁 -
📄 Check out my super-awesome resume.
- First Week in Grad School | On Funding
- Adding Latex to Jekyll for pretty equations
- Using Tensorflow with old intel core2quad processors
- Why is it so hard and uncomfortable to write?
Contact me through RCgroups, youtube, or send me an email:
You can also start an issue here on github to use it as a makeshift forum.