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@dbkeitel dbkeitel released this 18 Apr 15:12
· 145 commits to master since this release

This is the v2.0.0 release of PyFstat, a python package for gravitational-wave data analysis with the F-statistic, dated 18/04/2023.

This release supports python versions from 3.8 to 3.11.

This is a major release of PyFstat in the sense that users will likely have to make some changes to the way they call it, but mostly just regarding class instance labels / file naming.

From the changelog:

  • Mainly, we follow the recent lalpulsar upgrade to v3 of the SFT file format specification (see and note the v2 in the URL is not a typo, this file version describes both the v2 and v3 specifications).
    • We now require lalsuite>=7.13.
    • The file format update itself is fully backwards compatible: the only change is including window information in the header, which however reuses existing padding bytes, and hence does not affect compatibility.
    • The file naming convention however has become more restrictive: SFT files, and hence label arguments for Writer and derived classes, now may only contain ASCII alphanumerical characters, which specifically makes the old PyFstat habit of using underscores illegal. We suggest CamelCase instead.
    • Instead of SFTWindowBeta, one must now use SFTWindowParam.
    • noiseSFTs no longer requires SFTWindow[Beta/Param], only if a window specification cannot be read from the headers of input SFTs.
  • Fixed an error that prevented one parameter to be printed in search output file header comments.
  • Fixed compatibility with corner=2.2.2.
  • Removed utils.get_lal_exec(), now always expect executables to be named lalpulsar_. (Old LALSuite versions with lalapps_ CW executables are quite outdated by now.)
  • Removed deprecated prior formats in InjectionParametersGenerator class.
  • Transient F-stat GPU implementation:
    • Introduced F-stat condition number check, with threshold equivalent to defaults of XLALComputeAntennaPatternSqrtDeterminant() and estimateAntennaPatternConditionNumber().
    • Now falls back to F=2 (2F=4) if Ddinv=0, also equivalent to lalpulsar.
    • Added unit tests.
    • Improved CUDA device info logging.
  • For developers: updated coding style to black 23.1.0 rules (mostly newlines policy).

For a list of known issues, or to report any problems, please see: