Chris Rogers: https://github.com/chrisbuerginrogers/ME35_21
Webfrontend: https://pyrepl.web.app/
Information what SPIKE uses to communicate
If you are looking about sending commands to the hub: https://gist.github.com/bricklife/
Nard SPIKE Python: https://hubmodule.readthedocs.io/en/latest
Nard hub2hub-reverse engineering: https://github.com/NStrijbosch/RevEng-hub2hub-word-blocks Tool crc32: https://emn178.github.io/online-tools/crc32.html https://github.com/Lechatroger/nodes_microbit_BLE_services
A very good explenation: https://github.com/maarten-pennings/Lego-Mindstorms
LEGO LWP: https://lego.github.io/lego-ble-wireless-protocol-docs/
mindsensors.com github for spike prime: https://github.com/mindsensors/SPIKEPrime/blob/master/mindsensors.py
Philo about protocol: https://www.philohome.com/wedo2reverse/protocol.htm
Inf Flashcard:
- Video demonstration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiR3XJYo9k4
- Library + examples: https://github.com/Tcm0/SPIKELibs
Insides from the creators (Erik Mejer) found on FB:
Erik Mejer Hansen Perhaps a bit more explanation is in order. We’ve tried designing a Python experience that is easy to get started with and works well with the app – that included creating a (hopefully) easy to get started with API. It is that API you get access to via the “spike” imports and it’s what gets imported in the default import. It’s that API that is documented in the app. There is a lower level API that gives you access to more functionality – but at the risk that it may not play well with the rest of the systems running on the hub. We haven’t released the API documentation for that (yet) but it’s there. So, when I wrote “drop down an API level” it because the “spike” API builds on top of the lower level API. I think for now the “easiest” way to play around with that is to look at the programs on the hub (alternatively: http://primelessons.org/lessons/MicroPythonIntro.pdf looks like a nice introduction). But be aware that using APIs at that level may have cause odd behavior in the app – just reboot your hub if that happens. And please reach out if you think the high-level API is missing something
SPIKE Hub sends out a stream with informations
{"m":0,"p":[[0, []], [0, []], [0, []], [0, []], [0, []], [0, []], [-9, -4, 988], [-1, 5, 0], [-1, 0, 0], "09090:99999:99999:09990:00900", 0]}} mode, p_data[PortA[IDofDevice,[Values]],PortB[IDofDevice,[Values]],PortC[IDofDevice,[Values]],PortD[IDofDevice,[Values]],PortE[IDofDevice,[Values]],PortF[IDofDevice,[Values]], Acceleration[],Gyro[],Orientation[],DisplayedImage,ProgramRuntimerINms]
Standard-Output is send out all 48ms
{'m': 2, 'p': [8.359999999999999, 100]} mode, p_data[Volrage,BatteryCharge%]
{"m":3,"p":["center", 170]}]} mode, p_data[whichButton,durationOfPressedINms]
- leftside
- center
- rightside
- tapped
- doubletapped
- shake
- Front
- Rightside
- Leftside
- Up
- down
{'m': 7, 'p': 'standalone_-btn-right-up'}
{'m': 8, 'p': 'standalone_-btn-right-up'}
One Variable: {'m': 11, 'p': ['JgoemqN7S87hsA55CTRZ', {'mySingle': '9468468361638296365367844'}, {}, {}]}
Two Variable: {'m': 11, 'p': ['JgoemqN7S87hsA55CTRZ', {'outputSingle': '2139526830186527963198648', 'mySingle': '2139526830186527963198648'}, {}, {}]}
Two Variable and one List: {'m': 11, 'p': ['JgoemqN7S87hsA55CTRZ', {'outputSingle': '9009203367698688500571251', 'mySingle': '9009203367698688500571251'}, {'allSingles': ['6833521043907758565864567', '3082044060851564630806410', '0331091476786632865496549', '7477258101353361152710961', '3754630264082759521617118', '7526857612387157675709618', '2646705638483885677481293', '4459723760751868459105357', '9009203367698688500571251']}, {}]}
Heart-Program: {'m': 11, 'p': ['standalone', {}, {}, {}]}
- list will be only send if program on the hub is started after the connection is established
- the hub sends only the first 20 entries of a list
- variables will be send always
Used in Standard Mode m:0 ... PortA->PortF SimpleMotor (WeDo, Boost): ID,[SpeedValue]
AdvancedMotor (SPIKE): ID,[ActualSpeed,ChangesofDegrees°,ActualPosition°,ForceToKeepSpeed]
- 1 WeDo Motor (10 Steps)
- 38 Boost Motor (9 Steps)
- 48 SPIKE middle Motor (Advanced Values)
- 49 SPIKE Large Motor (Advanced Values)
- 64 SPIKE Small Motor (Advanced Values)
SpeedValues: -100 <-> 100 (negative: counterclock/positive clockwise)
Fully Supported:
- SPIKE ColorSensor
- SPIKE DistanceSensor
- SPIKE ForceSensor
- WeDo2.0 DistanceSensor
- WeDo2.0 Gyro
Partly Supported:
- Boost Color/DistanceSensor only ColorSensor
Fully Supported:
- SPIKE SmallMotor (Advanced)
- SPIKE MiddleMotor (Advanced)
- SPIKE LargeMotor (Advanced)
- WeDo2.0 Motor
- Boost Motor